Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Minna sama~
today is rainy day....tonight got work but i don't feel like to go work....hahas....lazy me
atashi mata nothing to do at home...tidy up...clear rubbish....found that my house areas got alot of things to clear. While i'm tidying, i am listening all TVXQ songs that are played in my handphone.I very proud of my phone played so many hours only left one battery...impressive right? somemore 1 GB...hehe... i also updating information on my face book and year book...damn slow la cos com lagging =.= and also saving quite alot of TVXQ pics...i think the folder files going to don't know hundred MB but when i go check only 473 MB =.= thats quite alot...but to me not yet 1 GB T.T
Now im converting videos into mp3 of Tohoshinki BigEast Station quite alot of episodes...(=.=)zzz
im simply mad addicting to them but is worth it hehe...(>.<) Yesterday i joined Dong Bang Gang...i accepted and make a new tomodachi but i am curious in this gang most are younger than me....(=.=)lll or can say im old le 18 sai...yesterday SCV ch 51 JK Pop MTV showed quite alot of korean bands and singers and also Japanese....It showed BoA tv special i never heard before she speak however she sings the voice is different from the way she speaks...and released 10 albums in japan....wow...and ShinHwa 10th anniversary!!! Deko Boko Friends~ the characters are kawaii ne!! saving their pictures...quite alot so far they have 18 charas. They have English version and Japanese version official website your can go check it out=)
Back to the Dong Bang Gang...i hope i can make more tomodachi but scared...wakarimasen doishitte i have this feeling...maybe i never make any tomodachi since i worked at Harris Bookstore last 2 months ba...
27th mar is my nervous day cos releasing of DAE Republic Polytechnic results!!kokowaii desu ne(~.~) kibou i will be accepted and also waiting for ITE results...Kibou Gohonzon will lead me the way where i should go...
the pics of Deko Boko Furenzu....enjoy~i not upload all ^^
ja ne^^