Wednesday, September 17, 2008

aiyo the end of work i lost my way back to met them so i follow teddy instruction walk straight and turn right and see underground pass however i walked one big round and returned back my location omg...saw security guard he said they are closing soon so i asked him he told me alot of direction then i said nevermind so i called Teddy that i lost my way he laughed at me so paiseh la.Jiani went searched for me and helped me bring me to the location....aiyo
before i went work one whole day watch japanese drama altogether got 10 episodes this dramas is quite old la 2007 de but nice lo its called Galileo going to broadcast at SCV sat 9pm but cant wait for the show start so i watched first lo i like the character of Yukawa sensei i like the way he wrote alot of physics formula while thinkiing and solving mystery cases what a genius physicst professor dont know what to watch again are some pics taken on that day with samantha hahas^^
By the way wish Derrick Hoh Wei Jian Happy Birthday^^
Signing Off~what a free day of watching alot of shows...