Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy 5th Anniversary TVXQ^^I am so shock that my Changmin oppa got hit by anti fans somemore is a chinese girl and curse him...T.T although this news is 2 days ago...that means im very slow of updating not fit to be their fans....(reflex myself) this story that i heard is e anti fans act as jaejoong fans and took pics outside the washroom and oppas told them to stop taking pics then they angry and one of the fans threw bag at changmin oppa's head at aiport on the way to go Japan...she shouted oppa's name and curse him!!! so bad she...alot of fans feel angry about her all not all la some...some scold vulgar languages and i watched the fancam video saw oppa used his hands to rub his head can see he had a great pain of his head T.T poor oppa T.T
For me try to everyday update about them(it's hard to catch up,as i'm not everyday using com)demo i will try my very best to read finish all the posts from Baidu 贴吧 (not realy know how to use it,alot cant read finish...) just know this news supposed TVXQ going for SM Live concert at BangKok 20081129 cancel and postpone to next year 20090207 due to thailand now is chaos...i thought they will go there in a few days worried bout their safety my big stone in my heart can put down le(translate in mandarin)
Found it on TVXQ jap official website...
大みそかの恒例番組『第59回NHK紅白歌合戦』(NHK総合他)に東方神起が出場するこ とが決定しました。
12/31(水)19:00~23:45(途中ニュース中断あり)放送メンバーよりコメントが届きました。こんにちは東方神起です。紅白歌合戦は韓国でも有名な番組で日本に来る前から知っていました。日本で活動を始めてから出たいと思いました。今回、初めて出場が出来てとても嬉し いです。今から大晦日が楽しみです。すごい出演者で緊張するかもしれませんが、白組が勝てるように頑張ります!応援宜しくお願いします!
haiz...this year countdown again in Japan le hope they can go back to korea countdown....omg too many to posts about them maybe shall end here...