Thursday, March 19, 2009
Korean Stars Fashion Trends \^0^/after a few days i was wondering what to write because i always been at home never go out so doing nothing...if i write about what i doing at home everyday,会闷死我的忠实读者...

没有比他们穿西装的好看<--有偏心...不然叫他们穿 Tee + 短裤/ jeans 哦... others bands like S501 also wear suits nice^^ but now they add a bow tie instead of Boys Over Flowers' actors wearing suits plus bow tie... Next, School Uniform... Nowadays i watched alot of videos of korean bands wear like school uniform 上节目...


here is their CFs...
SNSD and 2pm Elite CF
Ara & SS501 CF
there are alot cant post so many videos later will lag xDD let me list out the videos i saw^^ e.g: BoA, Fly To The Sky,SHINee,Super Junior,Shinhwa,FT Island and Big Bang etc...want to watc please click this link^^
Now SNSD's fashion trends are so hot like they wearing colourful tees+ skinny jeans even their skinny jeans are colourful too^^

here is their fashion trend video + interview
Last but not least,its time for KARA fashion<--干麽这么兴奋??!!
第三套是黄色....最后是蓝色而且还是她们的lucky star and won champion,see they are so shocked...

Due to their popularities so they decided to designed thier own hoodies
this is hara's designed^^

seongyeon's designed

gyuri's designed

nicole's designed

jiyeong's designed
i prefer jiyeong's designed because it is cute if got sell maybe i will consider to buy
here is the website link
overall many people like to follow korean fashion trends including me^^<--so honest ar
last time the famous fashion trend is scarf. i wonder after this fashion trend they will use what accessories or clothings to be as fashion trend??anyway wish KARA good luck for everything^^<--dont know what to say