Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Today....the jue dui superstar, Sugi came 2 our school!he is funny that he said our school become"Primary school"and today is his birthday...we sang a birthday song to him...he said he was very happy tat he never heard before so many people sang song to him....he sang 2 us 2 songs...Dou Jiang You Tiao and Zao Zi Ji....he sang his style...ok lah he is quite handsome hehe....he also my cousin's friends!i want to tell them about it....=)Signing off....=)

Signing off...=)

Saturday, August 12, 2006
I don't know what am i doing....am i lazy?....my mum asked me to clean the house but i said "later"....said "later" until play computer and post blog....haiz....why i cannot so ji ji yi dian ne?study also like that...haiz...feel like to kill myself....i hate myself....my ichinen said i must not be so lazy..."yao ji ji,bu yao deng dai" but still zuo bu dao...haiz....why my life so a bit meaningless?....haiz...signing off~

I don't know what to post so maybe a short post...I am very afraid that my Prelim's results are not my standard because i scared my 'N' level results are....aiyo....i can't imagine that i retain or cannot go Sec 5...haiz...i have to work hard...=( These few days are so sianz.....nothing to do....i think that's all bah...signing off~

These few days,i have been watching in youtube.This show is nice it is called "Wei Xiao Pasta".It is so funny and nice.I watch until episode 4 already.I like the actress of Cheng Xiao Shi by Cyndi Wang.She says:"zhi yao xiao yi xiao ,mei shen me shi guo bu liao=)".This encourages me that don't give up, must face everything.Bu yao yu dao shen me cuo ze jiu wei wei suo suo,yao yong gan de mian dui shi qing.Hope i can learn from her.
Yesterday Friday,was our Social Studies Prelim...i think i done very badly because although i had studied,i was not doing well for my source essay questions!?And i had not write finish!How?sure fail lah...and some more i had spent a lot of time in the source-based questions....i must try my best for my Geography...so that i can do well for my whole Combined Humanities...=)Go Go Jia You.....Gambatte!=)signing off~

Thursday, August 10, 2006
Today...actually i no need to post blog about my feelings but i really don't know how to express my feelings.My friend also told me that when you cannot express or tell anybody about your feelings,just keep a diary with you but i do not have a diary so i only can post blog...hope i can express my feelings here.Just now i was eating dinner with my friends,they chatted happily with each other.i wanted to join in the conversation,i had a strong feeling that i was neglected and i could not go inside the world.i felt a bit lonely...all the way i was kept quiet until they noticed me.they wanted me to go inside their world,i didn't know why i rejected to go in rather than i was alone.so i became a bit passive...when it was a meeting time,i didn't know how to face and express feelings to them.they were asking me questions,i felt like do not know how to answer the questions.i only kept saying"i don't know".they hated me to say these three words...i really did not know how to answer.i was not having eye contact with them and giving them an "attitude".i knew could not give them "attitude" so i still done it.and i spoke quite softly but they couldn't simply heard it.they told me to speak louder but i am like unwilling to speak louder...i hope to be alone and neglected by my friends.in your eyes,i have problems...but i do not know how to answer you all so i treat it there is nothing but in my heart i was crying...sometimes when i can't bottle up my feelings,i will cry and i will always cry...i can't stop crying i can not control myself....and i don't know what is my feelings...it is a complicated feelings...that's why i cannot express myself.
that's all i want to say...hope you feel my feelings and i hope you will understand me...signing off~

Saturday, August 05, 2006
Hi...let me intro myself my name is Nina...erm...i know my blog is plain but nxt tyme i will decorate one.So qing shi mu yi dai...=)