Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Book Intro...last time i went with my friend, wanjun to library study...not sure what im going to i just go search the books about flash and XML thingy...because i realised that i dont really understand much of this understand le...lols =.='' then suddenly i feel that i wanted to read a novel regarding about my feelings that i felt that time...want to forget something or memory...not sure what i want to forget also...just want to read this kind of i found this...nice to readand took me around 4 days to read finish<--wow!! BREAK RECORD(normally took long read finish or read halfway then here is the book i want to share with u^^<--突然变得有文化...

內容簡介:「遺忘」的味道是怎樣的?「記起」又是怎樣的滋味?依蘭經營的香薰店,售賣的是「遺忘」的味道。她為每一個到訪的顧客調製屬於他們的回憶味道,苦橙葉的香氣會代替回憶中的苦澀,為以後生活添上新的感覺。然而,她為客人丟掉不快的回憶,自己卻是個遺忘症患者。她在「尋找」與「遺忘」之間掙扎,原來,忘記並不代表釋放…… <--深奥...
While im reading this i can imagine what scents smell that they are talking about...and want to really smell that can say this book is boring or i am reading emo book but it really regards to my not an emo person but dont know want to read this...hope you can read it^^ oh ya this is the writer's webpage: and her blog: