Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Lan se shi you yu.....nowadays...i feel very vexed whether i been fired or wad...i had been wworking in the factory for 3 days only...that person said i don't need to come....is so straightforward lho...haiz...she had caught me for 3 times....first...caught me talking to derrick too much....that i was feeling boring wad....second...my action or working were slow....she said me i must do faster...but my hand...no...is my whole right hand was in ache....like doing exercise with that babo machine hoooh~third...i jus only close my eyes a while...she treated me as i was sleeping during the working hours....haiz....i just close my eyes...without 10 seconds!!!!she said i no need to come on Monday...but derrick need to come and told me that 5th take pay...and told me on that day call her and she will tell me to come down....wad kind of that person is this....maybe is my karma...haiz....because i don't put in more effort on chanting....now no job....tomorrow....research plus ask me to go dere for interview....cause i am going to do another project le....so happy....but don't be happy so fast...cause i don't know what will happen next....hope i can do this project....hope so....Signing Off~=)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Nowadays...i have been working with my friends for a few weeks.Now i am working at Chinatown,Research Plus as a surveyor...the pay is attracting but the job....to me is ok la....but my friends say it is tiring...sux....quite a lot of people want t quit...although our work is not every day...yesterday midnight...i came home around 1.30am....my mum scolded me that i never told her that i would be working late...actually that Lynn said that i worked until 11pm but ahe said i needed to work until 1am.ok...never mind...so that i can earn more $11....from 5pm-1am....8hours at Kampong Glam....at around 12 midnight...there were no souls....i mean a few people only....as i was working as traffic counter...quite fun actually...that happens let me feel so shock that there were two guy talked to me initially....and they were funny man....one called daymas....and another was ITE...i only know that he is 17....i treat them eat sweets....only two of them....but the ITE de smoking....i don't like...when my friends and i went home together,Rosaline gave us $30 to take cab home...but must return the left amount to her la.I have been working for traffic counting for 2 times le....one is Geylang Serai near Paya Lebar and Kampong Glam near Bugis....two events for Hari Raya...but that time i only worked until 11pm...same time started....hehe....but cannot leave the location untill they tell you to do so.i have to wait for other projects...like Christmas....can't wait la so long...not only i had done with traffic counting also telephone survey....that was so much fun and relaxing....there was one time that Rosaline treat us a meal....Pizza and Macdonald!!!she bought 2 pizza,some chicken wings and frenchfries and nuggets....even drinks,honey lemon barley...see she treat us so good....=)Signing Off~=)(can i don't go for kenshu?feel like working for christmas project....)

Goong's Pictures Part???last entries about goong....a few pictures.....enjoy it=)
Signing Off~=)

Goong's Pictures Part ??Here i have some bear versions!!hope you all like it....any comments below of my blog....
Signing Off~=)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

That's all for goong's pictures that i want to share with you all...maybe next month or i get my pay,i want to this!!!!Hope you all can watch this show=)
Signing Off~=)

Still got somemore hehe=)

尹恩惠,16岁那年以广告模特儿的身份加入能歌善舞的女子团体Baby VOX,成为年纪最小的成员。Baby VOX自1997年一出道,即以多变的风格、标新立异的装扮和独特的音乐一炮而红,被称为韩国的“辣妹”。2005年,尹恩惠正式退出Baby VOX单飞,拍摄【宫】,名气更胜以往。看NG片段时发现尹恩惠经常擅自改动台词,让第一次演戏、战战兢兢背台词的朱智勋当场楞住,演不下去;果然是演艺经验丰富的古灵精怪美少女!
小档案姓名:尹恩惠Yoon Eun-hae出生日期:1984年10月3日身高:168公分体重:48公斤特长:美术、漫画(剧中出现的漫画字体,就是尹恩惠亲笔所写的) 绰号:KKODAI/POOH/PUU/说梦话/妇人/米奇老鼠星路:·1999年-2005年 女子团体Baby VOX成员·2003年8月市民会议形象宣传大使获奖:·2003年韩国音乐颁奖礼年度歌手奖 ·2002年歌曲大典大奖
小小的眼睛、黝黑的皮肤、冷冷的表情。要不是有模特儿般的修长健美身材,朱智勋的外型恐怕撑不起男主角的身份。他自己说,经纪人说他的脸没有一个地方长得标准,但在不同的灯光效果下能呈献不同的味道。导演说选中他演皇太子就是因为他不笑的時候很冷,可是笑起來却很亲切。朱智勋原本是模特儿,第一次拍戏就演出大制作【宫】的第一男主角,压力大得让他每天晚上都做恶梦,睡到一半会突然惊醒。但是对于父母来说,儿子上电视是好事。他说,当模特儿时父母完全不知道他的工作到底是怎样的,一直很担心。后来在电视看到他的演出就放心了、也开心了,也开始向邻居称赞他。“一次,我看到母亲拿着一堆周围人托她要我签名的纸张,笑了很久。 ”可能是在三代同堂的家庭长大的关系,朱智勋似乎很向往家庭生活。他说:“从小的梦想就是征服世界和当个好爸爸。我一直想有个儿子,并和他一起成长…这个梦想至今未变。”
小档案姓名:朱智勋Joo Ji-hoon也译为周池勋生日:1982年5月16日身高:187公分体重:72公斤学历:京畿大学大众媒体系演技专业兴趣:电脑游戏、篮球、游泳星路:广告模特儿、电视演员获奖:·韩国时尚摄影家协会选定的2005年最佳时尚模特奖·第21届“韩国best dresser天鹅”奖男子模特奖
金桢勋 -【宫】的李律王子在漫画中“律王子”形象比较叛逆,跟电视剧里总是温柔微笑很不一样。
网上已经有不少影迷在争论,李律比李信更帅、更有王子的贵族气质,也觉得李律跟申彩静更般配。也有人觉得,金桢勋微翘的厚唇,大大的眼睛,跟前辈元斌是同一类的花美男。金桢勋是歌手出身,2000年从选秀中脱颖而出,与崔正元共组偶像团体“UN”(United N-Generation),发行过五张专辑,一张日文专辑。UN在2005年解散。
小档案姓名:金桢勋Kim Jeong-hoon 也译为金正勋/金政勋出生日期: 1980年1月20日身高: 179cm体重: 60Kg血型: AB型学历: 汉城大学医科系2年级 (03年退学,现就读中央大学戏剧学) 家庭: 父母、哥哥、姐姐宗教: 佛教兴趣: 电脑游戏(尤其是星际争霸)、看漫画书专长: 唱歌、物理、数学、化学喜欢的音乐:融合了所有音乐风格的CROSS-OVER出道:2000年电影:闭嘴!(2004),非武装地带(2004)电视剧:Orange(2002);宫(2006) 专辑:韩国2人男子组合UN团体(United N-Generation) UN(另一成员崔正元),推出六张专辑
That's all for their profiles=)

李信 (朱智勋饰演)
李律 (金桢勋饰演)
That's all for their characters for this show...=)

Thanks who are viewing the baby's photos....i hope you will enjoy it...any comments please write your comments just right below of my blog,there is a tagboard=)

Hello...long time no see...why i put this photo?It is because i want to introduce to all about this movie....is this baby cute?he is from other country...his name is matthew....last time wanjun's birthday, me, nicole, gayathri and janice went plaza singapura at Dobby Ghaut, to eat long john silver,took neo print and watch movie....we watched this show called Rob B Hood.the cast are jackie chan,louis koo and charlene choi(Twins).It is so funny....but it is sad part that the doctor took injection to the baby...he cried...i also cried...and the baby is almost died....it was so touching....the funny part is the two main character, Jackie Chan and Louis Koo, they put the baby inside the washing machine and refrigerator!!!if the disc is out i want to buy!!!and our neoprint that we took i will upload in friendster....so qing shi mu yi dai....maybe above or below of this post, you will see other pictures of this show....is all about a baby...haha...enjoy it...
Signing Off~

Saturday, October 07, 2006
2 more days our 'N' level is going to finish le...we have to wait for our results at around December...am i correct?never mind....i think i am not done very well this time...i very scared that i will not be promote to sec 5....and my ipod nano will be GONE!!!my dream mp3....promise with my mum....so i must chiong for my last paper,POA...quite weakest subject...and i also scared my Eng cannot pass....=( if not...i have no hope le...there goes my dream school poly...therefore.....ATTENTION!!!EVERYONE! we must not give up...let's go up to sec 5 together....remember our class motto,never walk alone...this is our class spirit!!signing off~=)