Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Koniichiwa,tomodachi=)Friendship day is coming soon....i want to share with you a japanese songs byMatsu Takako-みんなひとり
This song is introduced by my choir teacher, is a nice are the lyrics:
荒んだ世界に あなたのような人が いることに感謝
夢が遠く見えて 肩落とす夜は 電話をさせてよ
恋人ともちがう 大切なともだち
みんなひとりぼっち 探し続けるのは 確かな絆とその証
誰かのひとことで 明日もがんばると 思えるなんてすてきさ
わけもなくふさぎ ブチうつな自分が 嫌いになる日も
あなたの笑顔の 大きな力に 励まされるんだ
どんな強い人も 弱さを隠してる 外には出せない傷抱えながら
みんなひとりぼっち それを知るからなお
心の片すみで 気にかけてくれてる 恋よりも強い味方
あー たまには私を あー 頼ってもいいよ
生まれるときひとり 最期もまたひとり
小さなぬくもりや ふとした 優しさを
Everybody needs to be needed
Everybody wants to be wanted
'Cause everybody knows that we are all alone
Let me give my gratitude to you
For always being there and smile for me
Many many thanks to you,the best friends of mine
Is it nice...i feel so
Signing Off~

Today...this course is about working life...dreams...what you are planning for the it good for us that in future you will not so panicked because you know how to get prepared.Today i want to share with you something....guess......................................?????????????????? i finally have husband and wives' "family" photos!?
(in clockwise direction)Gayathri,1st wife,me,3rd wife,Wanjun,husband &Nicole,2nd wife.
Today is 1st wife birthday!!let me sing her a korean version of birthday songs hee=)
Don't know how to read....hahas....check korean dictionary lha=)lame rite?hahas i admit....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007 Chinese test...sure fail i have a lot of questions haven do!!and somemore POA lesson separated effective by next week....sad performance somemore....haiz...Tomorrow is camp quite boring....yeah~Chinese New Year is coming!!!Signing Off~

Monday, February 05, 2007
Happy New Year 2007!!i feel very stress that my studies were so poor since the school reopens...after school reopens to now all my tests had not been passed before except POA...haiz...let me shocked is that my chinese failed the first time!!!this make me very worried....i am waiting for my chemistry test pass or not hope so....quite a long time never update time ba....=)Signing Off~