Saturday, April 21, 2007
Mid-Yr exams is is 27 April start....left one week to study...haiz.....after mid yr of Chinese paper,'O' level chinese paper is coming soon 28 May=(How??cannot online or watch tv too often...T.T
Our Chinese teacher Mr Chang(lao zhang)...hahas....he taught us how to Suan Ming...and is so true that my friends....parents....siblings and my characters....everyone is so excited what description they will get...and they are queueing up to see "fortune-teller"...hahas....hope he can teach us again...cos some we are not so understand of how to count and how he knows....hmmm i wonder.....
Signing Off~=)

Friday, April 20, 2007
Last Friday went Batam with Peiling jie jie,kelvin(her dar) and winnie.We were laughing all the way to there and went back home together...kelvin is quite quiet but like to tease zhen jie...hahas....they brought us to go shopping and play bumper cars...its nice and fun....i bought something.....The Vineyard Man DVD! Dong Bang Shin Ki's photos and poster....some tidbits and CHOCOLATES!!!I never go school and choir and most important never go attend Oko ceremony....haiz......They bought quite a lot of food to eat and share with me...especially lots of flavours of donuts......i ate the chocolates with peanuts....yummy ^^ next time i want to buy a few boxes home and share with everyone=)Signing Off~=)