Saturday, March 29, 2008

안녕하세요!.... today my bro and i went to pray our grandpa and our ancestors at 灵隐寺 around Balestier Rd with my relatives.We took cab dere e place is too smoky that made my eyes uncomfortable.After that we took cab back to auntie's hse, at first, the taxi driver don wan 2 drive us bcos we hired 2 cabs and xtra one person so i have to my make my head down in order to avoid traffic police or else will make e taxi driver no license
after that we having our lunch dere and we went home separately.I was 2 tired when i reached home 2 took my afternoon nap. Later i have 2 watch jap drama 薔薇のない花屋 episode 7 its quite nice and just finished 5 days ago at Japan(>.<) after that i have 2 go work (=.=)

Thursday, March 27, 2008
안녕하세요!....using 青い text....i feel moody...どいしって appeal application to
心配じゃない i still got appeal application to ITE...haiz...maybe this is 御本尊 leading me the way to ITE
cheer up i'm ok de i had made a preparation for myself and i know this what will happen....
i think i will end up here...nothing to say
じゃね (=。=)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Minna sama~
today is rainy day....tonight got work but i don't feel like to go work....hahas....lazy me
atashi mata nothing to do at home...tidy up...clear rubbish....found that my house areas got alot of things to clear. While i'm tidying, i am listening all TVXQ songs that are played in my handphone.I very proud of my phone played so many hours only left one battery...impressive right? somemore 1 GB...hehe... i also updating information on my face book and year book...damn slow la cos com lagging =.= and also saving quite alot of TVXQ pics...i think the folder files going to don't know hundred MB but when i go check only 473 MB =.= thats quite alot...but to me not yet 1 GB T.T
Now im converting videos into mp3 of Tohoshinki BigEast Station quite alot of episodes...(=.=)zzz
im simply mad addicting to them but is worth it hehe...(>.<) Yesterday i joined Dong Bang Gang...i accepted and make a new tomodachi but i am curious in this gang most are younger than me....(=.=)lll or can say im old le 18 sai...yesterday SCV ch 51 JK Pop MTV showed quite alot of korean bands and singers and also Japanese....It showed BoA tv special i never heard before she speak however she sings the voice is different from the way she speaks...and released 10 albums in ShinHwa 10th anniversary!!! Deko Boko Friends~ the characters are kawaii ne!! saving their pictures...quite alot so far they have 18 charas. They have English version and Japanese version official website your can go check it out=)
Back to the Dong Bang Gang...i hope i can make more tomodachi but scared...wakarimasen doishitte i have this feeling...maybe i never make any tomodachi since i worked at Harris Bookstore last 2 months ba...
27th mar is my nervous day cos releasing of DAE Republic Polytechnic results!!kokowaii desu ne(~.~) kibou i will be accepted and also waiting for ITE results...Kibou Gohonzon will lead me the way where i should go...
the pics of Deko Boko Furenzu....enjoy~i not upload all ^^
ja ne^^

Monday, March 24, 2008
yesterday sunday i went PC no is Kofuzan Kaimyo in. I never get a wink in sleep i was back home after watching Step up 2 the streets wif my tomodachi around 2 am i tidy up my bedroom, clear rubbish...thats quite alot of things for me 2 keep so tiring. 6am went bathe ate breakfast and went to Kaimyoin.I am wondering how the main hall looks like......when i step into the main hall i am so surprised and shocked and sae looks so grand that decorated with golden lanterns? don't know how 2 describe.They change the butsudan and the taiko drum the wooden joju gohonzon is black with golden words!!! Ifeel so proud to be Nichiren Shoshu believers^^

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hello minna~ is so happy today that our PC promoted to Kofuzan Kaimyoin!!! yeah~ i have met our 68th High Priest Nichinyo Shonin...we also performed at Expo Hall 3 16 March 2008 at around 2pm. I am from Choir we sang 5 songs Kopi-O, Soar, Together As One, Jiyu Santoku and The Flame. We were supposed to reach there at 7am-715am. And i thought i was late and on the way to Expo i met auntie that i met her during after rehearsal at Mrt station. We were fate that met each other.Alot of people wore Spiko tee before entering the hall. We changed our costumes, makeup and do our hair...they were so busy and in a rush some more because we were going run out of time we suppose to be ready by 83oam before the guests arrived. We started our Kick-Off meeting instead of General meeting at 11am. High priest arrived the meeting they were speaking in japanese everyone using the Fm radio that was inside the goodie bag given and tune to 3 translaters English, Mandarin and Japanese.As we were listening i sort of dozed off for a while because i was too tired that i lack of sleep and i only slept for 3 hrs then woke up.The ceremony and the cultural shows were successful...We took a Choir group photos and ate our lunch.This is a memorable event that i will neva forget. Here are the pics...also plus the rehearsals^^
Signing Off^^

Thursday, March 13, 2008

those 5 songs dere are some parts or lyrics are taken from their T album TRICK. how to say ....maybe you have to go listen den u will understand what i'm saying. This few months i bought quite alot of their items esp the dvds!!!and 3 DBSK 'O' Encore Concert tee(Changmin,Yuchun and Junsu) at first i only like changmin after i watch the disc i bought All About TVXQ i find that junsu and yuchun they are so cute lah i like humourous person...i also bought 2nd Asia Tour in Seoul concert 'O' dvds and Five In The Black concert dvd....and i learn a new oyaji gags tamago kimochi dai suki kimi mo chi dai suki (i love to eat egg, but i like all of you) if you think not funny u translate in chinese i think you all will understand.
but is sad that only changmin dont know how to tell oyaji gags the other members know how to...
they are so funny that i almost everyday watch their time then share with you all ja ne~^^