Sunday, April 06, 2008

Annyeong ('',)...
I think i stop watching Japanese dramas for a too much le feel that i neglect of watching Korean dramas =( however i dont know what to watch yesterday night so i thought of watching TVXQ all in variety shows...でも i found a korean commedy drama call Rainbow Romance 레인보우 로망스 also known as Nonstop series 6.There are many casts including guests Park Micky Yuchun and Jung U-Know Yunho etc. Oh one more got Super Junior Ki Bum so far i only know him hehe... got a lot of episodes altogether got 243 episodes, so far i watch until epi 10 I will stop watching jap dramas first because its so pek chek to find all those shows episodes that are not organise properly and half way upload episodes or no subs of videos or other language subs like spanish, vietnam, thailand and different kinds of languanges that i dont understand so i very sick of that. I got 4 dramas never watch finish and watch halfway through...(=.=) I searched quite alot of websites cant find or the systems are slow like Tudou...crunchyroll i sort of hate that cos shows always upload 1 or 2 episodes then never upload le or being sometimes and veoh also...sometimes mysoju upload some of the popular dramas or upload requests...
k la i go watch korean dramas found that Ki Bum is so cute in this drama^^