Saturday, May 31, 2008 almost late for work i go chiong to my workplace as well as chiong and change into uniform...i today learnt quite alot quite fun or interesting...auntie cindy so good lo...she asked me whether i had eaten my breakfast i replied her that i only ate 2 pieces of bread she went to macdonald and bought mac muffin and milk for me and also and herself...then do e washing tray, roll coronets,cut cheesecake and pack it,pump the cream inside choco eclair and put eclair on the chocolate surface...something like opening shop preparation...spent 4 hrs to prepare then meet jerlyn at tampines bus interchange cos my phone totally cut off cant receive and cant send out or call out...haiz...then went school together i mean attended cca,cullinary so short lo i mean the time flies fast cos the teacher teach how to make vege fry cake den tats all...then we shop around century square then we separate she went home and me went kaimyo in.i am really tired lo at first i thought can get a seat in the train then i can take my nap...however...too many people le cant get a seat so i stand lo...while im listening songs in my hp mp3,i standing while im taking nap and almost fall down lo...den nvm...i even dropped my fone!!! T.T then reached kaimyo in too early so i do daimoku chanting i can fall asleep somemore so i went toilet to wash my face again i fall asleep den wash again many times...then somemore doing evening gongyo...fall asleep eyes cant open too heavy le and i still can "row boat" sia then peiwei beside me call me to wake up and try to open my eyes bigger but i cant...the huiting try to stop me "row boat" so paiseh infront so many people and also very very very rude to wooden joju gohonzon but cant help it...den friday chanting session i again fall asleep again and my space there so squeezy lo...that little boy still squeeze me lo i got no space to move my legs sia so suan lo my leg kneel down so long time and the xperience sharing damn long lo but got some encouragement la...k la too tired le tmr still the same timing 8am....A best friend is like a four leaf clover,hard to find and lucky to have...
signing off~(-.-)zzz

Friday, May 30, 2008 come back home early...around 10.30pm cos we off work early by 10 mins?? today know who is auntie cindy and yuting...amber went to raffles dere and sarah take today work at 6pm...although its tired after school but no choice need $$$ so urgently...ok la not like amber said abit fierce and naggy no she taught me alot i treat her as 师父 she taught me how to roll e coronet dough and pump the custard into the coronet and one more how to pack the cream puffs inside the plastic bag...she very good give me drink orange jiuce and tidbits...she also sometimes make fun of me or like a joker like that...i almost waste $2.20 of the cream puff cos i type wrong and already enter the cash out then i want to void the items cannot le...luckily auntie cindy helped not so tired le...cos only served customers wash the equipments, rolled coronets at first i don know how to roll coronet sometime thick and short and not nice also now i know the technic le...can try to roll a bit longer the length but cannot roll too long or else not balance...den wad oh ya clean the glass panes...using wet cloth and newspaper...ok la now quit fun but wonder i worked longer will feel sian or not...tmr no school so auntie cindy told me to work in the morning at 8am-12 noon thats good so that i got time to go my cca and do evening gongyo^^today a bit sian lo first time dozed off during Mr Seera's cmos theory lesson...ok la can do the assignment questions most of them independently and alot of people never come lo...joyce,desmond,novem and quite alot...and he Jonathan skipped the lesson...(=.=)i think i don wan care about him le always like least he wont let me feel sian lo when he is i thought we got presentation at lifeskill lesson but we postponed to next week we went safra see zhaocheng and alfin played billiard or pool...a bit sian cos neva play only see them play and they are so bad lo sabo Joel to play pool...then jerlyn not feeling well sia just now okok de den suddenly she vomited...dont know she said very accompanied her take bus 72 home...
ok la that's all tmr have to wake up early...(=.=)zzz
signing off~

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hello...just back from work around 2 hours?? ok la today not so tired not like yesterday do alot of washing then have to stand dere around 7 hours!!!today nothing just serve customer realised that a lot people that i met are speak cantonese ok la can understand a bit luckily watch some hong kong shows and try learn their language.Today so slack there released us so early lo...9 plus!!! cos last week most of them had done e cmos test so we can go home...but we not going home we went TM together and went Long John Silver ate breakfast...i neva eat cos it was really very full dont know why probably drink protein...and matta alot of people said i emo again...haiz...dont feel lyk talking say i emo....dotsx then today at first very sleepy until i laugh lyk 起笑 then awake you know why??cos kang te so 可怜咯被四个??还是三个nu 人虐待咯一直被捏手臂或是胸肌那里 可是它又是很无辜被捏不然就是得罪人或说错话不然就是好像被威胁。
signing off~(*^.^*)v

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 so tired sia...just found a job cos use e pay to pay my debts...need $$$ so Beard Papa Sweets shop and work as part time and just realise that is like from Japan cos gt japanese words on the shop... dont know true or nt is like bakery shop...i have to run 2 places one is at Raffles and another is Plaza Singapura...tomorrow work at plaza sing. 5pm better can take my own sweet time to prepare myself...but must wear contact money now how to make??have to wait my night life traffic counting no how to pack all those puffs,mochi and know how to use touch screen cashier first time leh...quite fun...have to memorise the look of the products,the price and as well as the promo packs...wash all the equipments that were far thats all.It was tired but quite interesting dont know what will it be for tomorrow locationi sort of ps jerlynn let her go home alone...i tink in future will b nt going with her home together cos i found a part time job...
signing off~(-.-)zzz(Tired)

Monday, May 26, 2008


its been a week...there are many happens around me or us.First 四川大地震 a lot people died and injured...lost families and homes...i want to donate but 有心无力 only can help them to pray hard that they can overcome all the sufferings. A lot of things cant remember much that happens recently...yesterday i attended Student Activity ok la quite fun is about relationship and divided into groups i was in BGR group which is i have no experience of that the other groups are family,friends i think thats all?? and "draged"my brother along so we were late for Daimoku...(=.=) then supposed i have to meet wanjun at 3pm to accompany her to see Gary 曹格 cos got 签票会 at IMM level 3 Garden Plaza then give her many excuses that i dont feel like going then is very bad to her also so i felt 心里不安 then called her back that ok lo i go lo is not forcing myself went there is my brother wanted to use com thats why i at home so sian...went there i thought we were late luckily Gary not arrived yet quite alot people then he arrived at around 6.15pm den sang 3 7 21 then sang 单数 then talked to mc 丽仪 Fm933 DJ then he walked down the stage into the crowds!!! alot take pictures or videos him lo and sang 起床歌 as well then is now start signing his concert ticket cos his concert is at 12 july 2008 Singapore Indoor Stadium first time shake hands with him in the crowds and 2nd time shake hands with him during autograph session he signed his lyrics.Lastly he 清唱 Superwoman chorus part. Back home msn chat until 2am??cant remember chat with 2 want woo me another dont know...dont know i like who and dont know how to vexed...think this through the whole night and including today...
Thats why today a bit emo cos still thinking and dont feel like to talk でも我差一点就变成罪人了 actually is just misunderstood hope they dont mind but i scared they mind 有一种的不安让我想太多又胡思乱想 因为受到阴隐 不敢交太多朋友或是一个group 的 就是怕会引起误会还有很多问题会发生。其实我也不知该怎么说。。。
Thats why today a bit emo cos still thinking and dont feel like to talk でも我差一点就变成罪人了 actually is just misunderstood hope they dont mind but i scared they mind 有一种的不安让我想太多又胡思乱想 因为受到阴隐 不敢交太多朋友或是一个group 的 就是怕会引起误会还有很多问题会发生。其实我也不知该怎么说。。。
终于有工钱可以拿了。。。不过还是要省一点用 也找到一份工作明天要去training 好紧张哦
好几天前。。。我去公司那儿拿我的工资顺便去喝甜品。。。杏仁糊!!超爱的 依旧那么多人去喝甜品。每一次去那里那工钱后就会去喝杏仁糊一碗卖$2.50 蛮贵得不过很好喝比其他的店卖得好喝
Today is Nurul birthday happy Birthday^^she gave me n classmates cupcakes so sweet of her but no present to give her so i took photo with her hehe^^
just realised that today weather is so good^^
signing off~^^

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hello...yesterday i was attended Kaimyo In Appreciation Dinner at Roland Restaurant.We were supposed at 5pm do Evening Gongyo then 6pm wait at Kaimyo In entrance to board 3 coach buses.I was so late for gongyo and almost late or missed the bus luckily i boarded the bus saw Fiona.We reached there a alot people arrived there le and everyone was wearing so formal and nice lo some people wore like attending prom nite.The event started at 7pm and played a small game that was find a small piece of paper that were pasted on the chairs and also table lucky draw...after that we had mini children fashion competition there were 4 children wendeline won the first Rina, Reverend Takikawa's youngest daughter won the 2nd after that we were having buffet dinner alot of people queueing so me and fiona waiting for the lesser queue after that Reverend Kato and Reverend Miyazawa and the other believers dance with the song High School Musical Together the props so cute la all the broomsticks and dustpans...hahas...then is Reverend Miyazawa played guitar and harmonica at the same time and sang 2 japanese songs and mandarin song cool rite? he got the talent^^then followed by Reverend Takikawa sang English songs Lemon Tree and another old folk songs then one of the believers played Er Hu and Violin they played one Hokkien song and Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin and Da Chang Jin with piano then we also had jackpot game is so funny that Reverend Takikawa played cheat on this game lo then before end of this event Reverend Takikawa ,Reverend Kato and Reverend Miyazawa sang one last English old folk songs with Reverend Miyazawa played guitar and happily sang together. First time listen to Reverends' singing so cool^^ taking some pictures and alot of videos ... but a bit blur ar^^ ohh before that we also had Hip-Hop dance and cheer leading dance with a banner wrote "Let's meet at year 2009 in Taisekiji together"
1st pic is frm left to right Reverend Kato,Reverend Miyazawa and Reverend Takikawa
2nd-4pics are Reverend Miyazawa and Chief Priest, Reverend Takikawa
thats all
signing off~(*^.^*)v

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Hello...everyone...i have been never blog for around 2 weeks?? Anyway, i will write about what happened those few days... recently i am no where group or cliques i sometime go to jerlynn dere or joyce dere...seriously speaking i dont like in groups or cliques i also dont know will make me feel stress probably im sensitive of this thats why i can go anywhere with my friends or far i am trying to make friends about half of the class??? around that la...just known Kang Te he is from Taiwan...i also enjoyed being with them during the breaks with alot of laughters...Shi Rong also he is quite like a joker but can be very quiet he sent me 2 songs through my phone with bluetooth and added both in my msn contacts^^ and slowly talking to Nurulhuda if i never spelt her name wrong? she also sent me 1 song English song break record starting to listen English song...hahas...then also added in my msn contacts...recently talking or chatting to Jerlynn hahas....always go home together because we taking the same bus 72 until she got off bus at Hougang pei me halfway of the journey me have to board the end!!Yio Chu Kang Interchange...(=.=) abit sian and tired but nevermind got my mp3 or handphone pei wo hahas...but sometime all no battery(=.=)i will feel sian and tired somemore haiz...I think i tio influence with my friends...actually i started is listening to Chinese songs...then met Jiamin and Jia wei the twins sisters i started listening to Japanese songs after i listened to TVXQ songs and other korean songs....but never listen to English songs....dont know when and why they starting to listen English songs so i also tio influence a little bit my phone gt 3 English mp3 always got japanese and korean songs alot!!!but know all chinese songs like all SHE songs and others a little bit of japanese and korean and 1 or 2 English songs...see im totally influence by my friends...SHE songs last time i like now influence by my classmates Lian Tai he said he is SHE fans...then added me in my friendster then somemore Jonathan let me listen to English songs that i never heard before and dont know what is the song name(=.=lll) always sing English songs to me too... in msn he always listen to the same songs like Boys Like Girls recently just met Jiamin accompanied her to buy things and have almond paste and indian rojak while chatting she intro me English song again is the same songs as Jonathan now listening i dont know why they like the songs so much but slowly listen and repeated i find those songs quite nice and heard jiamin said the band is just like our age i was so shocked la i looked their pictures they are like look so mature lo... and intro me another band NLT donno whats that band she always say niceafter that we chatted at my house downstair the playground there played English songs through her phone and chatted about her work and jiawei 's work recently and talking about english band then waited for jiawei came and meet us having snacks while chatting from around 9 pm -12.30am midnight pro rite??we such a long time never chat until so late...
Eslynn my another friend just injured shirong's hand omg she so fierce la use her fingernails scatched him can say she is a big bully??hahas jokin joking hope she not offended??Yesterday met Jerlynn at Tampines Interchange because we were going attend Cullinary club cca we were late because supposed to meet at12.30 pm but i was making ezylink card at AMK bus interchange waiting for so long on the spot collect and be a translater also because there is an auntie probably came from China dont know how to speak english so i help the transit link crew to translate to mandarin....paid $6 including the top up fee finally got ezlink card le no need use coins and walk from Tampines interchange to school hahas...but still no money haiz....cant find a job that is i want haiz....i think thats all cant continue later u all sae me lor sor(long winded) it is such a long post entry i ever write hahas
k la
signing off~(*^.^*)v

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hello...yesterday i played is so much fun then last time i played.Last time i dont know how to now i know more about this game.I supposed to meet Nicole at Yishun as i got the money to top-up my ezlink card i not yet get my new ezlink yet(=.=)so choo chai fetched me at Yio Chu Kang mrt station the bus-stop there then went fetched Chean Kiat at Ang Mo Kio the KFC there then we went to SCGS(Singapore Chinese Girls School).We reached there very early as no ones reached so we top-up the drinks in the tubs with ice for them then i waited Nic to come.She started her 1st match basketball around 3pm? While waiting for my match to start i watched them play basketball...realised that Nic played very well threw the ball into the basket many times as helping the team won thats cool... then my 2nd rounders match is around 4pm.I first time "go home" and alot of people congrats me and said,"Nina good job!" I was too excited without falling during the game でも 2nd time i played i caused the what disruptancy of the game when i want to "go home" i kana out of this game...sad sia never mind our goup still won with Nicole's brother, Dexter good bat hit the ball above and they cant catch it so our group won no need "home run" after that we took coach bus back to Yishun. Then i had to go Bugis to meet Jonathan and Melody to eat steamboat.
When i reached there i went to Kinokuniya to help jiamin buy Duet(ヅエと)jap magazine issue of May cover page is NEWS then met Jonathan and his 2 友達 one is Jeremy and Jia Hong donno his English then we met Melody and her dont know how many friends...we took three tables combined together as there were many people as we waiting for Alan we ordered our menus.Then we had our fun and enjoyed eating there...One more thing i realised Alan like to eat 馒头 and 肉丸 he kept ordered so many and he always gave me so many 肉丸 that were so salty and im full!! and Jonathan also like to eat 金针菇 as well...he put alot inside ended up we ate all his 金针菇 and he complained that he ordered so many plates and he haven eat until one plate funny...and this my first time eating steamboat that were mixed two soups together as we ordered one tom yam and ginseng chicken soup base and divided into two when the soup came and the ingredients all poured inside into the pot until so full and mixed together hahas...after we ate finished we separated at Bugis with Melody and her friends...and i separated with Jonathan they all at Bugis Mrt station...(pai seh no pics taken)
today supposed got Kosenrufu chanting session my mum and my brother never wake me up they all go themselves...what i quickly washed up and do my Morning Gongyo after that switched on computer and do my updates and realised that my favourite show 日韩音乐疯 change the repeat time at first is 12 midnight now become 6 am in the morning...and got TVXQ filmed one week!!! i cant watch la tio cut off...due to overdue payment only can watch free channel KBS World...(=.=) i viewed Ken San's blog alot of pics with Japan and Korea wow!! too many cant view finish but it is so excited while viewing those pics i want to go!!!here is the link
last time i saw CF of 소녀시대 and 동방신기 is about Anycall or Samsung Haptic Motion phone is so nice la i want the phone...( alot of pics above) tomorrow meeting JKpoppy to collect my long long time Changmin Banana Tee finally arrived!!!yeah(>.<)v now listening all those korean bands songs so nice especially 슈퍼주니어 new album Me chinese version so nice!! and still got what song? Sugar, SNSD, SS501,ShinHwa and of cos TVXQ!!hahas...ok la end here^^

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Hello...Happy Labour Day! long time never blog le...this few days busy doing homework...very tired and the weather hot 到不行了because its Summer Time!!! thats why i used red colour text hehee=pp I listened le NEWS 9th single SUMMER TIME which is release on 2008.05.08. Its nice so i coverted the mv into mp3 format.there is limited and regular edition.When i go haoting website i saw Arashi released a new album Dream,A,Live i haven listen yet cos i cannot download which was released on 2008.04.23 same as TVXQ 22nd single Beautiful You/千年恋歌. i onli found a limited edition pics
Super Junior also released new album which is chinese version 迷(Me) also call Super Junior M altogether 7 members...
Yesterday Jerlyn,Joel and me watched Hansel and Gretel korean horror movie rated as PG instead of NC 16 actually not horror at all ok i like the first Jonathan would be watching with us but we bought 3 tickets then joel wanted to watch also and have to seat separate so he gave the ticket to joel...i cried during watching this movie is so sad and pity that the 3 children have been abused by their "father"...
Eun-su was on his way to meet his mother but got into an accident and fainted. In the deep of the night, he opens his eyes to find himself in the forest and there stood a girl. She took him with her and Eun-su follows her to the "Delighted Children's Home" where three children live. This house is full of cookies, a children's heaven but there's no way of communicating and there's no way to the forest exit. There are also many strange things that are happening in the house, including the parent's behavior.
There is a lot of food although there are no outside goes. There's a strange cry noise. Even if Eun-su goes to the exit that a fairytale book tells (it surprisingly told of HIS story!), it's so confusing that he goes back. There's many things that Eun-su cannot explain so he thinks that there are secrets in this children. Mother and father who were afraid of their children leaves a memo and disappears. The children only complain. But in a few days, like the children's plan, there comes another adult who has lost his way and Eun-su's worry becomes deeper.
There is a lot of food although there are no outside goes. There's a strange cry noise. Even if Eun-su goes to the exit that a fairytale book tells (it surprisingly told of HIS story!), it's so confusing that he goes back. There's many things that Eun-su cannot explain so he thinks that there are secrets in this children. Mother and father who were afraid of their children leaves a memo and disappears. The children only complain. But in a few days, like the children's plan, there comes another adult who has lost his way and Eun-su's worry becomes deeper.
The ending is Eun-su burnt away the sort of "drawing" or "scrap“ book and escape from the house which Yeong-hye told him and he lived with his wife and his child happily with happiness
In school, i manage to talk to a few people in class like Lian Tai, Kan Jun,Jerlyn,Nurulhuda, and a few is a good start to talk to quite many people... also there are 2 new classmates joined us in class and im the treasurer of the class which is sabo by our class rep(=.=)haiz...i ordered 32 sets textbooks...making the aunties in the shop confused hahas....cos not everyone paid the money yet...and i count the money very slow so i brought along Eslynn to help me count as being my "personal" accountant then Jonathan also went down to help me take e class list...and we spent around 20 min??i think...finally ordered finish...hahas...
today i just updated TVXQ and SuJu information and other bands i just saved one close up of Changmin's pet dog, kawaii. Kawaii desho?what you all think?
k la maybe tmr continue den