Sunday, June 29, 2008

paiseh paiseh...yesterday night too tired le so never blog...hee=pp
dont know why so tired...i half watch show and half study what show??watch taiwanese drama nice damn funny la watch until episode 7 le...taiwan still currently airing...every sunday night 10pm...
這個都市,有一段「貼來貼去」的愛情故事…… 故事,就從某一種盤據全亞洲的女孩類型說起。這種女孩,叫「便利貼女孩」。她,樸素、簡單安分、願望也小小的,從來就不是什麼Somebody,也不期待變成一個Somebody。她們功能小小,但是又不可或缺,就像是一張隨手可撕的便利貼,不起眼也不特別,但你的身邊一定有她!一趟『豪華郵輪』之旅,讓這樣一位平凡的女孩碰上史上最不平凡的際遇
the sypnosis damn long hor...hehe...
yesterday went out for dinner with my mum and brother at AMK central and after dinner bought milk flavour ice-cream damn nice feel like buy one box home...then went NTUC buy groceries plus my favourite yoghurt and tried one packet of soyjoy fruit bar u remember that advertisement?? "congratulation u have a bar..."its nice to eat somemore is healthy snacks i want to try every flavours then decide which flavour buy one box...
today...sunday...sunny day...damn hot take a cold bath is cooling but still very hot sweat alot also...never go student activity just only do morning gongyo bad right?? home watch show then sleep then watch tv eat dinner then study but no matter how i study i study very much time left le left one week le after one week is my 死期到了因为已经开学了。。。ok la i go faster study later have a early rest
signing off~@.@

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday,sunny day...
yesterday,thursday...sad to hear that my friend angeline quit her poly study...i asked her why she said got alot of things happened to her then i said in msn is it your classmates bully you ??she said ya one of the reasons...aiya you dont understand my feelings only peilei knows...what peilei also has this situation??i found that im so lucky to study ite school...without classmates bully even no phobia of anything but she has a phobia of going school...going class...i asked her did your parents know??she said ya and scold her everyday because she quit before her parents know...i asked her what is your plan now?? she said i dont know 走一步看一步咯...she said she feel like want to study ite...omg...she said there maybe very good ohh please there very slack ok??
yesterday,friday went back my secondary school to take my testimonial around 12 noon...after receiving from general office,i saw gerald sister, shermaine...i looked into my testimonial the teachers wrote me well but some are not so true la wah piang my testimonial one page long ehh i dont know others la after that go chiong buy sushi from school nearby as for my dinner and chiong to take mrt or else i will be late for my work then reached le go buy my lunch hahas haven taken my lunch yet...lucky i never late for work...heard auntie cindy said around 3.30pm the manager will come down and interview 2 full timer...omg so nervous although is not me interview la but dont know why i later 5pm jason form raffles outlet come down...omg i have to work with him till closing leh!!!lucky ok la he always make me laugh and keep complaining very sianzz asked me whether got any job to do or else he said if he fall asleep then made him wake up he will be very fierce and scold people de lo...omg scared scared...then my face is like 紧棚 no smile on my face then he said 笑一个 then i give him a smile then he said ahh remain like this he said me i dont smile look like 很恐怖 omg...then i keep focusing on my work then he walk here walk there and made wuwu sound ...diao...then i chat with him for a while lo while doing my own job...aiyo...auntie cindy not around is like a mess...saw the custard finish i made 2/4 portion of custard in the end wasted quite alot chocolate i never made but wasted also ...cream puff finish by 8pm omg ...thats fast alot of customers want to buy lo then we baked 1 tray only made customers waited for around 20 min i scared that cream puff never sold out it will be a waste again lucky sold out but left alot of coronets!!!is like around 11 i gave all to th riva dont know what cake shop and one bengawan solo ...quite alot of people buy mochi ice-cream i was busy washing everything i mean i busy doing closing jobs...end up we closed late everything jobs are later than previous with auntie cindy...den puched out the card then go meet jiamin and jiawei at bus stop go home together...when i boarded the bus i suddenly remember that 2 things forget to do...1)忘记收 queue stand...yesterday auntie cindy said that i forget this also now i forget again 2)never keep the big menu board again i forget le...haiz...why am i so forgetful...even the customer buy what previously i cant remember waht they look like and wear what colour lo...lols...back home so tired like dead fish...imagine stand aorund 9 hours lehh!!!leg pain hand muscle there a bit pain i never go bath and sleep le so tired...never tired before...
later i have to go down to try my contact lens...hope not so expensive...
yesterday,thursday...sad to hear that my friend angeline quit her poly study...i asked her why she said got alot of things happened to her then i said in msn is it your classmates bully you ??she said ya one of the reasons...aiya you dont understand my feelings only peilei knows...what peilei also has this situation??i found that im so lucky to study ite school...without classmates bully even no phobia of anything but she has a phobia of going school...going class...i asked her did your parents know??she said ya and scold her everyday because she quit before her parents know...i asked her what is your plan now?? she said i dont know 走一步看一步咯...she said she feel like want to study ite...omg...she said there maybe very good ohh please there very slack ok??
yesterday,friday went back my secondary school to take my testimonial around 12 noon...after receiving from general office,i saw gerald sister, shermaine...i looked into my testimonial the teachers wrote me well but some are not so true la wah piang my testimonial one page long ehh i dont know others la after that go chiong buy sushi from school nearby as for my dinner and chiong to take mrt or else i will be late for my work then reached le go buy my lunch hahas haven taken my lunch yet...lucky i never late for work...heard auntie cindy said around 3.30pm the manager will come down and interview 2 full timer...omg so nervous although is not me interview la but dont know why i later 5pm jason form raffles outlet come down...omg i have to work with him till closing leh!!!lucky ok la he always make me laugh and keep complaining very sianzz asked me whether got any job to do or else he said if he fall asleep then made him wake up he will be very fierce and scold people de lo...omg scared scared...then my face is like 紧棚 no smile on my face then he said 笑一个 then i give him a smile then he said ahh remain like this he said me i dont smile look like 很恐怖 omg...then i keep focusing on my work then he walk here walk there and made wuwu sound ...diao...then i chat with him for a while lo while doing my own job...aiyo...auntie cindy not around is like a mess...saw the custard finish i made 2/4 portion of custard in the end wasted quite alot chocolate i never made but wasted also ...cream puff finish by 8pm omg ...thats fast alot of customers want to buy lo then we baked 1 tray only made customers waited for around 20 min i scared that cream puff never sold out it will be a waste again lucky sold out but left alot of coronets!!!is like around 11 i gave all to th riva dont know what cake shop and one bengawan solo ...quite alot of people buy mochi ice-cream i was busy washing everything i mean i busy doing closing jobs...end up we closed late everything jobs are later than previous with auntie cindy...den puched out the card then go meet jiamin and jiawei at bus stop go home together...when i boarded the bus i suddenly remember that 2 things forget to do...1)忘记收 queue stand...yesterday auntie cindy said that i forget this also now i forget again 2)never keep the big menu board again i forget le...haiz...why am i so forgetful...even the customer buy what previously i cant remember waht they look like and wear what colour lo...lols...back home so tired like dead fish...imagine stand aorund 9 hours lehh!!!leg pain hand muscle there a bit pain i never go bath and sleep le so tired...never tired before...
later i have to go down to try my contact lens...hope not so expensive...
1st pic the testimonial's book front page
2nd pic school graduation certificate
3rd pic academic achievements
4th pic cca achievements
5th pic testimonials written by my friends and teachers
signing off~update blog later...go study now^^
signing off~update blog later...go study now^^

Friday, June 27, 2008
Today sunny day...damn hot summer time like work is good!!but still got void one item la...tomorrow try not to void...haizz tomorrow have to work with jason girl one 是我想太多了 can say this is my 2nd time work with him...wonder what will be tomorrow business is so good everything sold out...not like other leftovers...just found that 溏心风暴 got part 2 called 家好月圆 got everyone act but different story...期待期待。。。then got another show call 甜言蜜语 i also want to watch omg got alot of shows i want to watch...=.= i even browse their hong kong actor and actresses's blogs...favourite actor Raymond Lam Fung( 林峰 ) i have his all songs too nice...(background music:爱在记忆中找你-林峰(岁月风云主题曲))
ok got to sleep tomorrow have to study and start work at 1pm sianz...have to stand 9 hours!!!lols...leg pain thus tired sia...=.=
signing off~tired=.=zzz

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday...Sunny day...(background music:Lovely Day-Super Junior)ok la got improvement of my work but haizz...不想犯错还是犯了。。。我尽量离 cashier counter 很远了就是不想犯这多错 in the end 我 void le 3-4 items...ok la 已经算好了今天不要再犯错了 要加油!aja aja hwaiting!! ok~i go study le =PP
signing off~^.^v

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Tuesday...sunny day...all the time at home listen all TVXQ's and korean songs...this make my day wont feel boring just now watch tohoshinki channel a(Japan) youtube videos...hahas thats funny and cute especially junsu hahas...although its quite long ago but i never watch before somemore such a long time never updates of them feel a bit bad due to my busy schedules...still have clothes to wash study for my tests i think thats all ba ohh one more thing have to tidy up my room is in a mess with my clothes flying around =.= thats listen my phone mp3 until no batt now charging then have to listen my mp3 all chinese and cantonese songs hahas...暂时没有时间看法证先锋2 过些日子吧。。。 (part 1 channel a ) (part 2 channel a)

signing off~读书的烦恼...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Saturday,sunny day...
supposed to go Pasir Ris park with my religion believers in the end never i went to my this year class BBQ at Kanjun's house dont even know he lives in condo somemore i ownself go there so ulu...but is near Toa Payoh bus interchange there...reached there saw zhaocheng,huisheng,liantai and isyad saw liantai ate mixed vege rice so sad he is vegeterian...cannot eat BBQ then later saw amily there all including joel...shirong,eslynn and kangte came later...i ate some crabsticks,sausages,1 prawn,1 chicken wing and mashmallows of cos orange squash...took picture of the sky quite nice cos practicing for NDP quite noisy....go kanjun hosue 参观他的家。。。简直像一个狗窝,他的房间乱七八槽 我看了都快晕了after that go Pasir Ris Park my class 402 BBQ...i came late on the way saw gengtao they all i just said hello and byebye quite rude right never attend their event...reached there they used waterguns shot me lols...i almost wet!!!said that who ask me i came so late...i reached there ate again this time is wanjun's fried rice but too bad never taste Peifen's beehoon ate 1 chicken wing and stingray lol...after that drink pepsi...bring my water dispencers for them cos their water dispencers spoilt then we took photo taking so fast this event end le they all so high and also 有一点点依依不舍,难得可以聚在一起也难得这么多人来,还希望可以聚在一起, its already 1145pm to chiong for last bus 354 lucky we caught it...before waiting we took picture again hahas...reached bus interchange liping said hey last bus 88 came already wow we all run and chiong to catch the last bus until siao like running marathon like that...everyone was tired...sat at the back of the bus chit chat chat about how's their study lifes and all that...saw rachel's right knee cap injured quite digusting...then we look at the time is like 12 midnight le thinking that we still got bus go home or not ask mengguan that last bus 268 is at 1230 omg...just nice 1230 dont know we missed that bus or not lucky zhiyong saw it then we said heng ar we caught the last bus or else we would have walk home...reached home around 1am lols...thats late...overall i think class 402 BBQ is fun another one is okok la cos a bit quiet class 402 rawks!!!hope still can see you all again...
Sunday,Rainny is start from 1pm till 10pm i almost late!!!dont even know that my watch compared to my work clock is 3 mins later one more minute sure get scolding de...haiz...quite sian 又被 auntie cindy 讲很多次了 又 sian 又累 somemore had to stand 9 hours lols...Amber came down she so good treat us eat LJS she like to spend money on food and drinks for us...but cant see her one whole week cos she going back Ipoh...and somemore she going to quit le...sad...after work met jiamin and jiawei at the bus-stop went home together boarded bus 162 and allighted at AMK central then went to 7-11 buy things to eat and pasar malam going to close le buy my favourite snack muah chee and jiamin buy fish fillet and wanton quite delicious la but unhealthy =.= back home my leg 好像才到了酸梅还是柠檬超酸的。。。想到明天又得要站8个小时我觉得很累。。。可不可以不要站啊。。。
signing off~=.=zzz
pic 1 baoguang 扮鬼脸while im eating...lolspic 2-5class photos without karthik,kabelan,shuman,jingyi,xiaomin,gayathri,nicole,angeline,derrick,yaojun,weejie,stephanie=(
pic 6orange moon in the night...
pic 7solo and peifen
pic 8 solo and class chairperson,mengguan
pic 9 solo and jacjac,jacqueline
pic 10-11 carebears banners
last pic rachel,peifen,agnes and me at the bus stop
that's all for sharing^^

Saturday, June 21, 2008
yesterdae Thursday...tio "scolding" from auntie cindy said that i always late every time 我听了,自我反省了,也没有心情去做工。today supposed to meet peiling jiejie to buy contact lens the end 白跑一趟 she cant meet me so i cant buy tomorrow ho seh le 3 places to go first is pasir ris park there with religion friends next toa payoh dere class bbq den last pasir ris dere another class bbq wah piang damn tired lo neva tried before go 3 places same events...yesterdae just watched finish 溏心风暴 damn nice la but a bit naggy ending so fast...but nice ending...have to wait for a while then can watch 法证先锋2 cos i havent study for my study halfway fall asleep lol...k la go sleep lesigning off~ =.=

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
hii~finally i off today...i thought that i can have more time study my tests 结果leh??end up watch 溏心风暴 lols...somemore watch until episode 30 ten more to go...lols...tomorrow i mean wednesday have to work early 8am!!!still now blogging after watch show finish havent sleep later cant wake up...i think my diet 计划不成功了 i keep eating those junk food now i try to eat more vegetables like mixed vegetable rice never order meat or fish just vege...some more eat first i want to make myself drink more fruit juice milk or protein drink end up drink plain water although plain water is good but i never everyday drink too lazy to do exercise also now realised myself more fatter le...=.=when i can kick off my bad habits??1 day?? 1 week??or 1 month??no cannot one month thats too long le...哎呀好烦啊。。。i got to sleep le
signing off~神经婆上~.~@#%$^&*

Monday, June 16, 2008
Today...i cut my left thumb...ok la not so serious...dont know how i got injured...yesterday i burnt my right hand when im holding a tray of puffs from the oven a bit pain la but got scar le T.Ttoday work with Sarah until closing when i started work is work with Amber ok la i found that i got chatted with her like a close friend unlike Sarah dont know why...yseterday and today bring back alot leftovers cream puffs cheesecake sticks and Choco Eclairs...i gave some to jiamin and jiawei and the rest to my family....they said nice...after that jiamin and jiawei and me went to eat indian rojak late le eat supper hahas...she treats us paiseh nothing much la today...i think thats all lasigning off~@.@

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Today i went to work ok la when no people a bit sian...i now learning how to use the oven and i feel unhappy that there was a little boy call me AUNTIE!!!!auntie给我一个cream puff wah piang!!!am i look so old like auntie???im just 18 yrs old leh not so old lo...that boy 没礼貌i told him im not ok?? i think he didn't hear and never say thank you somemore after receiving the return money and the cream puff!!!lols...nowadays teenagers or kids...haiz...
after that met Huixin,Priscilla,Chenyan and Esther at Bugis MRT station at 2pm we shop around and talked about Big Bang Thailand concert and some other korean 羡慕咯 they can go other money ar...anyway i dont like to go Thailand only like to go Japan or Korea hahas...ok la they are friendly and made new friends...we even took 2 pictures today if i got it i sure will post de...hehe...ok la nth to say le my control diet is a bit not successful cos i today eat mcdonald's hash brown=( today i went Kaimyoin is bad and rude to gohonzon cos i dozed off during evening gongyo and daimoku chanting session...cant help it cos too tired le...
kk got to sleep tomorrow have to work at 8 again
signing off~^-^

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Its time for me to reflect myself....finally school holiday...but feel sianz leh...dont know why...but is also good la got alot of time to go work in extra hours and its time for me to study for my no confident leh scared fail and also reflect myself also....i want myself changed everything after school holiday like the way i speak the behavior and so more Diet!!! realised me that im become fat after my aunt always say me im fat than my mum lols...1st i have to cut down on my eating habits like stop eating all those junk foods oily fried eat more healthy food try to sleep early ask my mum help me check my body is the weakest is time for me to improve my excercise like jogging long time never jog liao pasti will muscle ache
Today nothing much attended MME a bit earlier then nurul me and stupid guy jonathan and joel went KFC to eat...that time we went too early le so we sat at the market there waited until 11am...we ate student meal and that stupid guy jonathan dont want to eat and say u chie kaemichi(I want to go home) then played psp...i tio suan by joel lo...say me i drink HL milk(Haolian) he add ingredients also that i told everyone i got 100% for my CMOS theory test i never is he help me or else i wont got 100% lols...then we back to attend CMOS i haven done chapter 7 lo the teacher inactivate the assignment i just finish chapter 5 & 6 onli lo...then he say during holiday he will activate it again dont know true or not scared teacher lie to me...
then we got a few minutes break that guy want to go home me and nurul dont let then i pull his blouse to follow us go but fail before that i realised that he dont like to eat yogurt that stupid guy...he say its sour lol... me and nurul bought yogurt ice cream after that me and nurul they all went to attend Lifeskill today is wan and me and kang te present...actually is only me present then mdm fauziah ask him whether want to pair up or not then he say ok ok la a bit nervous during presentation alot people asked me questions that i dont have any preparation lol...then dismissed go home took bus 72 thats all i want continue watch show le yesterday never watch ep 13 now go watch
hope i can target myself successfully^^
Signing off~

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

3rd and 5th pic taken by me 4th pic taken by my brother actually is tum ba lek de hahas^^6th pic is me 7th pic is 安安 8th pic is "cherries" fruits 1st is 小舅一家人 2nd is 5位小姐 9th is meimei and peiling jiejie 10th is zhen jie and peiling jiejie 11th is 老姨一家人 12th is 大姨and阿公 13th is三舅一家人 14th 二姨一家人 15th 大姨一家人 16th 弟弟我阿公和妈妈 17th 大姨的二儿子一家人 18th 西kor一家人 19th peiling jiejie ah gong and 大舅 20th 三舅和曾孙们和阿公
21st and 22nd 妈妈小姨阿公二姨和大姨 23rd 大姨丈大姨阿公小姨和小姨丈 24th 阿公和大姨
25th 阿公和三舅 26th 阿公和大舅 27th 小舅三舅和大舅 28th 阿公与曾孙 29th 切蛋糕咯 30th 70 大寿蛋糕 31th pic is ah gong and me^^