Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Tuesday...sunny day...all the time at home listen all TVXQ's and korean songs...this make my day wont feel boring just now watch tohoshinki channel a(Japan) youtube videos...hahas thats funny and cute especially junsu hahas...although its quite long ago but i never watch before somemore such a long time never updates of them feel a bit bad due to my busy schedules...still have clothes to wash study for my tests i think thats all ba ohh one more thing have to tidy up my room is in a mess with my clothes flying around =.= thats tired...wow listen my phone mp3 until no batt now charging then have to listen my mp3 all chinese and cantonese songs hahas...暂时没有时间看法证先锋2 过些日子吧。。。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y86gVt8cu1k (part 1 channel a )http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y86gVt8cu1k (part 2 channel a)