Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Lets start from 5 June, Thursday after work withdrew money for travelling fee i brought back the leftover 3 eclair puffs and 4 cheesecakes sticks and one more auntie cindy's rice dumplings...she treats me very good...give me alot of things to eat^^ back home so tired den got rice that my mum bought it for me as my dinner...i think is supper le...then we packed our things and everyone was sleeping except me stayed up late for updating my mp3 and hp songs and switched on computer so long until the next day afternoon then switched off hahas...later my computer explode >.<6 June, Friday left home at around 12 noon after sending songs to jerlyn. My brother always irritated me and said ah gong is waiting faster!! then later we meet ah gong at coffeeshop there and took cab to Harbourfront while waiting for my mum to come and bought 3 two-way tickets to Batam, Indonesia. In the ferry, mum bought us lunch and ate inside the ferry...then i saw japanese businessmen quite good looking lo...hahas...then me and brother gave ah gong's birthday present that i wrapped it up that night. is like a sweet present.... ah gong opened the present then we all including my mum laughed at ah gong opening the present halfway is all newspapers so naughty then finally opened we gave him mp4 with all his favourite chinese old folk songs...and he counted how many that i wrapped altogether...6 pcs hahas not including the nice wrappers...lols...then taught ah gong how to use ...then we reached Batam centre le...raining...reached aunt house there...watched TVXQ 's dvd concert with my cousin ...we were so high when watching dvd hahas...
7 June, Saturday....woke up quite early in the morning took bath and eat the le watched tv then sleep....hahas....then woke up aunt told me to eat lunch eat finished, watched tv then slept again...then we watched TVXQ dvd again hahas....supposed to meet zhen jie to go buy contact lens however i got no money so we proceed handphone shops cos zhen jie wanted to buy handphone now she heartache and regret of using Nokia she wanted to use Sony Erricson and either flipped phone or pushed phone.then we faster proceed to the place that celebrated ah gong's 70th birthday....we ate bee hoon, satay, chicken soup etc and soft drinks...alot people there then ah gong said 哇 你们好意思让这么多人等你们几个 then we giggled took pics with ah gong later sang birthday song different version got English,Mandarin and Indonesian.... 二姨 so high lo but she neva drank beer then cut cake and photo-taking session then we 送佩玲姐姐去码头 cos she had to go back singapore to work then we went Megamall to buy her donuts for her friends then she treat us half dozen donuts and gave me the left over rupiahs she so good lo...we chose 2 Green T flavours, mango, capucino,banana and kokocrunch is so cheap cheaper than singapore... came back aunt they all played mahjong including zhen jie....
8 June, Sunday woke up eat breakfast slept again...(=.=) then watched tv 星空卫视台 got 模范棒棒堂 damn cute la that show then slept again...woke up then we go pluck the "cherries" fruits sweet sweet de first time leh...using e long stick tied with fork and rubberband hook with plastic bag and began night watched Tohoshinki Japan concert dvd....
9 June, Monday woke up and sleep again....ate breakfast, bath then watched 民视无线台 娘家 damn nice lo and speak in hokkien somemore....actual filming is at night afternoon is repeat de then watched channel 8 意难忘 and 同心圆 all damn nice at night watched 娘家 and 别说再见 then sent songs to zhen jie's new handphone and ate supper together with my cousin, meimei chit chat for a while then sleep
yesterday 10 June prepared and packed things get ready to go back singapore 有一点依依不舍 zhen jie asked me to stay one more day but cannot i applied leave until Tuesday and somemore i promised him and my friends that i will come at Wednesday...somemore Tuesday got CMOS practical test lol i dont know until jerlyn sms me i was shocked and they had presented lifeskill liao except me and another group ...ate lunch at 小姨的家 she sells 什菜饭 and waiting for uncle to drove us to batam centre....whie waiting playing with 安安 he so cute lo too bad he got fever...reached batam centre i bought alot bubble gum and chewing gum for my the ferry me and brother so 无聊 took photos of the skies and clouds.... so nice the weather...reached singapore we ate macdonald then went tired then used my mum's laptop to watch 溏心风暴 until ep13 then chat with frens plus listening songs....
Today woke up late took mrt MME lesson asked jerlyn and nurul for how to do lesson 8 octopus thingy i know so so la then 2 hours break until CMOS practical test start i do with nurul and so fast we were the only one go home lo then bought yogurt ice cream then waited bus 65 to Dobby Gauht plaza singapura collected my first beard papa's pay and auntie cindy gave me chocolate eclair for free actually i want to pay but she dont let me so no choice lo took bus 162 home....home sweet home then ate dinner with my mum and brother....k la thats all for my few days trip it seems to be long and long-winded but i really enjoyed my cousin say 你为什么这么累?你是不是来我们这里朴眠 so paiseh lo...go continue my show le more pics^^