Sunday, July 27, 2008 using mum's laptop to blog dont know when i can use it again...these few days i am at home doing nothing just watch tv whole day...i know is boring without playing my own computer...tomorrow have to go school...omg scared tomorrow amily and audrey said about my hairstyle again...cos thursday while waiting for another class they talked about me 还叫我改头换面还说要带我去剪头发。。。lols...i also scared that tomorrow they will talk about my 绯闻。。。about me and him i dont want to let him know that i like him 我也不想变成我在单恋 i know me and him is different world...but i will keep it inside my heart... ok la i go watch show le or else no other time to watch finish le byebye~Signing off~对我来说爱情是一种矛盾。。。想爱却不敢去爱。。。

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Save money day in school now using computer cos maybe i will mia my blog for dont know how many days...or try to blog every day using school computer hehee=pp
cos yesterday i was watching Fated To Love You episode 14 my computer suddenly auto switched off...i totally sianz diao...i try switched on again at first can then switched off i sms him ask him why then he say maybe power supply or motherboard die...omg no money to buy each of them...i scared inside all components spoilt cos overheated i on my computer from 3pm??to at night 8pm quite long ba but its not the first time lo..haiz...cant watch show le cant play my own computer maybe play my mum's laptop without my mum knowing...ok la thats all bye my blog...hope can see you again...
Signing off~Goodbye...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
省钱大作战第九天。。。today very moody the weather when i boarded on bus to school it rained heavily cats and dogs...reached i thought i was late is the teacher haven start yet cos 7 classmates go sell kacang putih lol...the mme is quite confuse the button donno hw to make so ask joel help me in the end 帮倒忙。。。 den we went watch play a bit lame la the background music then we went kenny there eat lunch die i spent $2 my only $2 no more money le still got one more week!!!haiz...go support our classmates to buy kacang putih before waiting for next lesson...den we go cmos learn how to make the cable i kanna cut by the cutting wires tool cut on my index finger pain sia still got u shape cut lol...den jonathan help me put plaster damn tight lo he say lyk that a little bit shy...hehee=ppthe blood oozing out omg pain until i want to cry keep make sniff sound alfin ask what happen??kanna injured??u cry ar den jonathan sae no la i flu....he so gentleman my heart pump very fast lo heheh...then 130pm den release us
me go home alone cos yanyan sick
p.s:Please get well soon,yanyan^^
signing off~long time never injured myself le....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
省钱大作战第七,八天。。。lets start from monday moody monday...
late for practical test but got complete la den yanyan had an headache...哪里知道天不作美竟然下起 2 小时的雨来,没办法只好呆在巴刹避雨。we just ate finish our lunch dere at first after eat our lunch we go PE but i cant go cos its my turn to forget to bring...but its sux also even though u got cum but never bring PE t-shirt that teacher wont mark you attendance what the....i very tired and have a little bit of headache so i sleep 2 hours hahas...but to me not enough maybe i not feeling well ba...even though when im walking with them to take bus to school also want to sleep audrey said 你不要一边走路一边睡觉,ok?? when i took bus home with yanyan i already seh liao....back home mum reprimanded me say 你看啦熬夜熬夜熬出病了。。。she let me eat cereals with milk with other nutrition pills then tell me go back to sleep den my auntie came to my house to sing karaoke den she say in hokkien zo ni puah beh ar?? mum say ya lo watch movie wif friends until 4am come back home....i.... haiz....nth to whole night never play computer i wake up den watch tv for a while den go back sleep again...
late again for CMOS lesson haiz...but my mind switch off because of a bit headache ya today he at least go eat lunch with us then go home dont know why i feel a bit happy la hehee=pp cos he always go home de...anyway next yr will not be the same class cos he choose networking i choose multimedia cos i don get interested in networking...i today go interview at donut factory just fill in form den go home ar i only left $2 only hw can i survive??
k la thats all
signing off~怎么办才好??

Sunday, July 20, 2008

these few days never blog le hahas...can say lazy to blog or i never use this computer to blog only watch where should i start first??...ok,i start with thursday....
school lessons is ok la a bit sianz is that the break time too long hard to spend...i spend on eating my heavy luch cos not full ....we went home early during lifeskill cos we came out the idea very fast then took bus home with ruifan and gengtao at my house downstairs have home visit they cant go to my house sansho cos my house very messy so inconvenient to let them in...then we went market there chat then buddhism sharing ok la not so sian is like 2 hours very fast easy to spend maybe too focus le ba.... yanyan at bus interchange for cca...this time my turn to wait for her cos i came early hahas finally...then spend on drinks and bread cos hungry haiz...then after that went aljunied took train back with yanayn from tampines alight there yanayan going vivo me go temple early so chant daimoku there and doing evening gongyo dinner with my mum and brother eating bak kut teh again den attend friday chanting session...took bus 13 home received a message from jiawei said want to catch a movie then i have no money so they treat me so good even icecream also going AMK Hub cathay look at the screen only 3 shows pathetic Hellboy 2 ,Red cliff and The Dark Knight we decided to watch the dark knight cos hellboy part 1 i never watch so never watch part 2 bought 3 tickets at 1230am at first wanted to buy 1130pm but full hosue so we bought that timimg also going full house left 7 rows in front so we took no.7 row ok la nice but the sound effect is so loud lo then end at around 3 something quite long and i feel very cold there even wearing my sweater...spend on drinks again haiz...then walked back home reached home at 4 am thats too late so i went sleep at 5am too tired le...
these few days never blog le hahas...can say lazy to blog or i never use this computer to blog only watch where should i start first??...ok,i start with thursday....
school lessons is ok la a bit sianz is that the break time too long hard to spend...i spend on eating my heavy luch cos not full ....we went home early during lifeskill cos we came out the idea very fast then took bus home with ruifan and gengtao at my house downstairs have home visit they cant go to my house sansho cos my house very messy so inconvenient to let them in...then we went market there chat then buddhism sharing ok la not so sian is like 2 hours very fast easy to spend maybe too focus le ba.... yanyan at bus interchange for cca...this time my turn to wait for her cos i came early hahas finally...then spend on drinks and bread cos hungry haiz...then after that went aljunied took train back with yanayn from tampines alight there yanayan going vivo me go temple early so chant daimoku there and doing evening gongyo dinner with my mum and brother eating bak kut teh again den attend friday chanting session...took bus 13 home received a message from jiawei said want to catch a movie then i have no money so they treat me so good even icecream also going AMK Hub cathay look at the screen only 3 shows pathetic Hellboy 2 ,Red cliff and The Dark Knight we decided to watch the dark knight cos hellboy part 1 i never watch so never watch part 2 bought 3 tickets at 1230am at first wanted to buy 1130pm but full hosue so we bought that timimg also going full house left 7 rows in front so we took no.7 row ok la nice but the sound effect is so loud lo then end at around 3 something quite long and i feel very cold there even wearing my sweater...spend on drinks again haiz...then walked back home reached home at 4 am thats too late so i went sleep at 5am too tired le... wanjun at amk mrt station at 330pm waited for her around at 430pm then went to pasir ris bbq there celebrate xueqi,jacjac and peifen birthday went there already raining le saw beeyee there mengguan,marcus,liping and eewee then followed by wanling i at there nothing to do only listen to my mp3 and sitiing dere and stone...den we went toilet with wanjun 哪知道天不作美下起雨来了。。。they use red plastic cloth to cover food and themself 2 people using umbrella including me ...弄得我们很狼狈 first time bbq so 狼狈 they cover like red riding hood hahas...xueqi jacjac and peifen walking here and there looking for food beeyee kept took photo of us den gerald,rachel,elroy,ben and mervyn ben hairsyle make me a shock before that i saw $2 then i picked up on the pathway then gave to peilei as for bbq payment...hahas im so heng...sang birthday song eat cake then go home very suay is that we miss the bus 354 so we walk lo then then we rush to take train just 1 second onli when we just step 1 step of the staircase the signal say"Train Service Has Ended" then we all sianz diao wah piang alot ppl behind said that so bo bian go chiong for bus 88 lucky is last bus again lyk last time aiyo
sunday means first i can stay at home to 扑眠 then my mum back from morning gongyo at temple and i also watch 溏心风暴 at SCV repeat de then mum say want go malaysia to eat lunch??then i say siao so far den my mum said if not ur lunch ownself 搞定 den bo bian go lor i went there johor bahru e city square damn big la find place to eat is quite difficult finding 香港金加利茶餐厅 Kim Gary Hong Kong Restaurant you know who 代言??is 黄宗泽 Bosco Wong he so 帅 sia we ordered 3 set meal stone rice i eat jap style stone rice the others korean style de so nice and drinks cold milo cold milk tea and coke lemon and followed by lychee snow mellow mountain then apply member of this restaurant found that got singapore outlet i took alot of his pics too hehee=pp then shop around for awhile then go back home
p.s:the bbq pic not yet send by my friend... ...
Signing off~很累状态。。。

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
省钱大作战第二天。。。 spend quite alot aiya cant wake up no time bring and make bento to lesson is ok la gt practical and theory online only done online theory the practical has to postpone to next monday...ahhh...have to come to school early those done finish the practical test no need to come to school early eeeeeeeeee not fair tsk...
Today raining take umbrella and help 遮伞 with yanyan...den took bus home with her on the way chat quite alot including all taiwanese drams...omg no time to watch finish all watch halfway 命中注定我爱你 and 恶作剧2吻 still got a few also omg got alot shows to watch too bad cant stare and watch at the computer too long...geezzzzz i still got 2 jap dramas haven watch finish although the disc were out but donno they got uploasd finish le ms? then yanyan still crazy about 炎亚伦 and 棒棒堂的王子 aiyo cant stand liao she is 黑塘玛奇朵的代言人 keep telling me must watch lols....
yesterday go find jap and korean songs...i found it nice アイアイ傘 by Tegomasu(テゴマス) so nice that i repeat listening alot of times... k la thats all have to wake up early to make my bento le...
signing off~要继续加油!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
省钱大作战第一天。。。today try to save money by bringing bento to school.i tink i everyday have to bring bento to eat le cos nw my pocket money going to spend finish so this is the only way to save money so that i can survive until next month...ok thats all hope 我的计划能成功
signing off~加油!加油!加油!

Monday, July 14, 2008
What a moody and sianz day...dont know why feel sianz...follow the moody sky...
today a bit sad ar...i brought L magic cube to school for spending my free time during PE lesson i never put it inside my bag but covered with my uniform...after PE i realised that my cube is missing....omg...what the...who stole my cube then i continue cursed that person and refuse to go out of the hall i almost cried nurul ask me to go with her buy drinks...i refused cos i have that feeling i will be able to find back my cube. Finally my cube back who took it??is Arif...he very bad throw it back to me and what?spoilt...omg...he made it spoilt try to fixed it cannot cos it loose T.T i want him to pay back to me!!!back home took bus with yanyan and chatted all the way to the lesson haiz ok la very sianz...c sianz again...have to save money going no money soon 还债还到没了。。。也想再找多一份工 cos i dont want to be as temp worker i want more proper job no work no income for every month...still got debts somemore any job intro??really need more money!!!觉得日子很难过也过得很快。。。
Signing Off~Money Not Enough(钱不够用。。。)

Saturday, July 12, 2008
HELLO!!! EVERYONE THERE!!!Long time no blog le...just want to share something meaningful...Today i just received an email it called The Mayonaise jar and 2 cups of coffee. I found this very meaningful so i want to share it to you...i also agree that entries about life...
When things in your life seem almost too much to handle,
when 24 hours in a day are not enough,
remember the mayonaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.
when the class began,
he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty mayonaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students if the jar was full.
They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.
He shook the jar lightly.
The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls
He asked the students again if the jar was full..
They agreed it was.
The processor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar.
Of course, the sand filled up everything else.
He asked once more if the jar was full.
The students responded with an unanimous 'yes'.
The processor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.
The students laughed.
'Now' said the professor as the laughter subsided,
'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life.
The golf balls are the important things---God,
your family,
your children,
your health,
your friends,
and your favourite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained,
your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job,
your house and your car.
The sand is everything else---the small stuff.
'If you put the sand into the jar first',
he continued,
'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls.
The same goes for life.
If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you.
'Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness.
Play with your children.
Spend time with your parents.
Visit with grandparents.
Take time to get medical checkups.
Take your spouse out to dinner.
Play another 18.
There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.
Take care of the golf balls first---the things that really matter.
Set your priorities.
The rest is just sand.'
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled.
'I'm glad you asked.
It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem,
there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend'.
End of an email is it meaningful?? Hope you will like it^^
this few days never blog is very show and nothing else and also not feeling well my sickness not cure yet... on thursday my mum played the magic cube the L de she said that when she's young she know how to play now cant remember le she only can help me half way the rest i try to solve it cannot more thing i have not been working for 2 weeks le i scared that they dont want me to work there...i cant quit this job i still got debts not cleared...woof...sighed with sianz...hope can have without money spending my need to have problems or troubles of money...
signing off~想过着一种奢望的生活。。。

Monday, July 07, 2008

Shopaholic Gal...
yesterday go take my pay...and made a promise to my brother that want to treat him choco i bought 1 box of choco eclair,2 boxes of mochi ice-cream and 1 box of tiramisu...yuting and sarah treat me so good only charged me 2 boxes of mochi ice-cream then we went to eat yoshinoya for our dinner.Then we shop around is like window shopping... then go watson buy tissue and hand soap cos i have contact lens le so before wearing i have to wash my hand to help get rid bacterias...then go TheFaceShop omg everytime i go there always spend around $100 plus cos my face haiz...then the promoter keep promote the products to me then attractive hahas...cant control it at least i buy needed de hehee=pp then go TS buy L change the world dvd, at first want to buy at Kinokuniya however i look at the time and my mochi ice-cream going to melt soon cos they put dry ice but only last for one and a half hour everything in the rush got free keychain and magic cube woo~ then go Daiso shop shop buy 蜡笔小新 de favourite biscuit and rice mix toppings ok la quite nice but my brother cant finish it then we took train home and watched L kns got problem of the disc play le 2 times still the same
today so go change the school very eng no pe no lesson except for cmos very difficult to 打发时间 so play poker cards with eslynn,kanjun,kangte and shirong at safra after lunch ok la quite fun de
today 我的身子很差 伤风,咳嗽又有一点发烧外加声音变了 haiz...又变成病猫了。。。
signing off~病猫上

Sunday, July 06, 2008

こんばんわ 皆様。。。
Today is our 4 ladies outing^^...long time no see and gather out le...满怀念的。。。
at first meet them at 1pm at YCK mrt the end...raining cats and dogs lols...then meet jiexin at downstairs first then together go mrt station because chewyan already there waiting le...reached there chatted with chew yan and jiexin for a while...waiting for samantha as the same time...she reached around 2pm??never look at the watch hehee=pp we took train to orchard...first go Far East Plaza clothes...omg sam 很厉害 shop for clothes lo then me my taste is like simple then like layers clothes their taste like lady like or a bit adult clothings...after that we go cineleisure there 新旺香港茶餐厅 eat our dinner is so early la around 5pm then we order food omg 我还真能吃 i order quite alot dont know fell like eating those hahas...paiseh leh in front of my friends...lets start with xin, she order wanton mee and hot milk tea, yan,order cheese dont know what spagetti and ice milk tea,sam,order curry chicken noodle and peach ice blend and for me hoho...i order sweet and sour chicken chop spagetti,steamed mantou,egg tart,almond paste and hot barley...they all so shocked la that i eat so many paiseh...=l then after that we 4 share a mango ice-cream thats already full...before the food comes we took alot of photos and even take our food pics lols...we mad...
we go more than and yan bought care bears keychain and sam bought chipmunks hand puppet...(she loves chipmunks alot)before that she bought a top and me just deposit $10 for my top also...followed by go to takashimaya there basement 2 go buy my deok-bul-gi(韩式辣炒年糕) longing to buy and eat ok la not bad $3 worth it...then sam buy donuts and riva cake shop de strawberry short cake and oreo cheesecake then go somerset mrt take train...while waiting we took pictures again hahas...and we split and home sweet home^^
Friends are like stars,you might not see them clearly...but they are around you...
pictures tempting right?? enjoy^^
signing off~珍贵的回忆。。。

Friday, July 04, 2008

what a moody weather...moody friday...
it looks like going to rain a bit cooling out there...again dont have work is like going a week never go work probably they need to train more the new workers ok with me la so that i got more time to study but i haven read finish the e-tutor!! 어떻게?? still got alot of MME notes in my document folder haven read also...die la...left 3 일 only!!...going to school reopen le...haiz...still stuck at chapter 3...still got 5 more chapters...textbook i read finish le left the all informations in my computer that im using now...haiz...i cant stay up late before 12 midnight i have to sleep because my mum say im very weak le cant afford to 熬夜...熬夜伤肝... imagine read notes in computer all day,your eyes not tired meh??i feel tired so i go take nap in the end cant read finish haiz...
i today go browse for a while at my imeem inbox is flooded and my sharing also so long never go in le no time time i free i sure clear and read finish de give me some time ok??
ok i go chiong read finish my e-tutor le
p.s:found super junior cooking?cooking! mv ^^
signing off~어떻게???(0.0)???

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Annyeong ha se yo!!
today go optic again...made an appointment and late somemore supposed 1pm reached there 1.30pm =.= continue practice wearing my contact lens...aiyo...practice more then 2 hours omg damn long...once i want to put the lens into my eyes dont know why my eyes keep blinking until i cant put it inside then the optomistrist help me to lift up my eyelid then i can put it inside...wooo...relieved glad that i can put it i try another side i finally i can put it inside le...yeah~hooray~take out so easy but put it inside verry paiseh 麻烦 them for so long...hehee=pp
back home i watch KBS World up romance then followed by vitamin...both are nice one is drama another one is about healthy variety is about what to eat can help memory better?? eat yellow and red intro of e peper dishes...looks so yummy...
i go browse 东方神起 japanese official website wow change new skin!!!damn nice cant wait for their new single どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?and korean 4th album...saw new drama ver.pv quite nice... p.s: not official yet^^
signing off~countdown 5 일...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Yesterday not feeling well have a early sleep and also 친구,jiexin's birthday i never give her present this saturday me and samantha and her go out together so long never see them and gather le 期待期待。。。yesterday i watch KBS World got music bank then saw super junior sang 요리왕 (Cooking Cooking!) is so nice la then followed by Wonder Girls sang So Hot and won weekly K-chart No.1 wow...also nice so today go listen Super Junior's album only got 5 songs all are nice^^today no work again...all the time at home now not feeling well...很难受。。。觉得忽冷又忽热。。。还流很多汗再加上喉咙有一点痛。。。又有头痛 ,又想吐haiz...病得不轻啊。。。=( 怎么办不能读书。。。自己煮粥吃。。。希望我的病快一点好剩下的日子不多了。。。
yesterday go try wear contact lens...the optomist help me wear then have to wear until 4 hours... ok la but i know how to take out but cant put it inside tried alot of times...more then an hour=( tomorrow have to try again haiz...
sad that dont have kibum in the suju...
lyrics for the song...요리왕 (Cooking Cooking!)
요리왕 (Cooking? Cooking!)
슈퍼주니어 - Happy
내 여자친구는 (너무 예뻐요)
내 여자친구는 (마음은 더 이뻐요)
하지만 그녀에게도 단한가지 단점
나보다 못한 요리 솜씨
밥도 못해 국도 못해
이것저것 아무것도 못해
라면에 물도 못 맞추고 `
간장인지 콜란지도 구별 못해
너를 너무 좋아하지만
너를 너무 사랑하지만
정말 이대로라면 (결혼은 좀..)
웬일인지 어느 날 저녁초대 한다며
너의 집으로 나를 불렀지 나는 기대했었지
굶고 굶고 또 굶어 니가 해 줄 맛있는 저녁
기대하며 상상하며 숟가락을 든 그 순간
렇게 맛없어도 되나요(되나요)
도대체 무얼 넣은 건가요(건가요)
차라리 내가 눈을 감고 만든게
더 나을 것만 같아요
맛이 어떠냐 내게 묻네요(묻네요)
또 내게 무슨 힘이 있나요(있나요)
정말 맛있다라고 했더니 그녀
웃으며 한 그릇 더 주네요 나 살려줘
며칠 동안 그녀 아무연락 없고
그녀친구 통해 안 그녀의 소식
영어(애플) 일어(아노)
다니느라 (시간 없다) 하네요
그런 그녀 갑자기 내게 연락해 왔죠
다시 한번 더 저녁 초대를 하겠다네요
난 괜찮다 배부르다 말을 했지만
yesterday go try wear contact lens...the optomist help me wear then have to wear until 4 hours... ok la but i know how to take out but cant put it inside tried alot of times...more then an hour=( tomorrow have to try again haiz...
sad that dont have kibum in the suju...
lyrics for the song...요리왕 (Cooking Cooking!)
요리왕 (Cooking? Cooking!)
슈퍼주니어 - Happy
내 여자친구는 (너무 예뻐요)
내 여자친구는 (마음은 더 이뻐요)
하지만 그녀에게도 단한가지 단점
나보다 못한 요리 솜씨
밥도 못해 국도 못해
이것저것 아무것도 못해
라면에 물도 못 맞추고 `
간장인지 콜란지도 구별 못해
너를 너무 좋아하지만
너를 너무 사랑하지만
정말 이대로라면 (결혼은 좀..)
웬일인지 어느 날 저녁초대 한다며
너의 집으로 나를 불렀지 나는 기대했었지
굶고 굶고 또 굶어 니가 해 줄 맛있는 저녁
기대하며 상상하며 숟가락을 든 그 순간
렇게 맛없어도 되나요(되나요)
도대체 무얼 넣은 건가요(건가요)
차라리 내가 눈을 감고 만든게
더 나을 것만 같아요
맛이 어떠냐 내게 묻네요(묻네요)
또 내게 무슨 힘이 있나요(있나요)
정말 맛있다라고 했더니 그녀
웃으며 한 그릇 더 주네요 나 살려줘
며칠 동안 그녀 아무연락 없고
그녀친구 통해 안 그녀의 소식
영어(애플) 일어(아노)
다니느라 (시간 없다) 하네요
그런 그녀 갑자기 내게 연락해 왔죠
다시 한번 더 저녁 초대를 하겠다네요
난 괜찮다 배부르다 말을 했지만
혹시나 하는 그런
마음으로 너에게 달려갔는데
이렇게 맛있어도 되나요(되나요)
이게 사람이 만든 건가요(건가요)
이런게 있다는 소문도 나는
들어 본적도 없는데
맛이 어떠냐 내게 묻네요(묻네요)
눈물을 흘리며 난 말했죠(말했죠)
머리에 털나고 이렇게 맛있는 요리는 난
알고 보니 그녀는 나를 위해서
요리학원을 다녔던 거죠
나는 그것도 모른 채
이렇게 맛없어도(아니지)
이렇게 맛있어도(그렇지) 되나요(되나요)
이게 사람이 만든 건가요(건가요)
이런게 있다는 소문도 나는 들어 본적도 없는데
맛이 어떠냐 내게 묻네요(묻네요)
눈물을 흘리며 난 말했죠(말했죠)
머리에 털 나고 이렇게 맛있는 요리는 난
자기야 배불러?
one more song call 잘해봐 (Good Luck!!)
[성민]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐
[晟民] 試著見面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相處一次
[성민]여기 이 녀석 소개해줄게 꽃미남이지만 아직은 솔로
[晟民]在這裡介紹一位朋友, 他雖然是花美男, 但到現在還是單身
성격도 괜찮고 의리도 지키는 진정한 친구
性格既不錯 又專一 的一位真正的朋友
[강인]하지만 지난 아픈 사랑에 아직은 많이 힘이든가봐
[強仁]但是在上一次的傷痛愛情中, 他已用了很多力量!
이제는 니가 작은 빛이 돼줄래? 새로운 희망이 돼줄래?
現在你會不會發放光明? 會不會給予新的希望?
[이특]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐
[李特]試著見面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相處一次吧
내가 가장 아끼는 나의 좋은 친구야
좋은 기억만 행복만 사랑만
美好的回憶, 幸福, 愛情
언제나 기억될 수 있도록 잘해봐 이번엔 잘해봐
總是只會回想起這些, 好好試試吧, 這次好好試試吧
[강인]내 친구야 [성민]oh~baby~)
[強仁]我的朋友啊 [晟民] oh~baby~)
[예성]안될 것 같은 아픈 내 마음에 다가온 사랑
[藝聲]好像不行了, 在這場愛情中我的心很痛
그녀는 내게 아껴줄 사람 지켜줄 사람 좋은 그 사람
她是我會愛惜的人, 守護的人, 喜歡的那人
[RAP/은혁]텅 빈 너의 가슴에 조심스레 살짝 안길 여자
너에게 필요한 것 같아
이번엔 진짜 잘해보면 어때 내 친구야
這次真的好好試一試, 怎樣 我的朋友
[신동]다시 한번 잘 만나봐 너희 둘은 마치 어느 누구 부러울 것 없는
[神童]再一次好好見面吧, 你們倆誰人都羨慕不來
절대 다른 누군가는[신동은혁]안 되는 세상 가장 아름다운 커플
[이특]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐
[李特]試著見面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相處一次吧
[성민]내가 가장 아끼는 나의 좋은 친구야
[예성]좋은 기억만 행복만 사랑만
[藝聲]美好的回憶, 幸福, 愛情!
[강인]언제나 기억될수 있도록 잘해봐 이번엔 잘해봐
[強仁]總是只會回想起這些, 好好試試吧, 這次好好試試吧
[예성]아름다운 그녀는 만나 보면
볼수록 정말 괜찮아 (우리가 뭐라했니)
그녈 소개해준 네가 참 고마워
介紹了她後, 你會感謝我的
[예성]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐
[藝聲]試著見面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相處一次吧
[아찔]만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐
[集體]試一試見面, 試一試了解, 試一試好好相處
[성민]내가 가장 아끼는 나의 좋은 친구야
[아찔]좋은 기억만 행복만 사랑만
[集體]美好的回憶, 幸福, 愛情
[이특]언제나 기억될수 있도록
잘해봐 이번엔 잘해봐
好好試試吧, 這次好好試試吧
[아찔]한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐
[集體]試著見面一次 ,了解一次, 好好相處一次吧
[성민이특]내가 가장 아끼는 나의 좋은 친구야
[아찔]좋은 기억만 행복만 사랑만
[集體]美好的回憶, 幸福, 愛情
[예성]언제나 기억될 수 있도록 잘해봐 이번엔 잘해봐
[藝聲]總是只會回想起這些, 好好試試吧, 這次好好試試吧
is it nice??
signing off~生病的我。。。
Tan Jie Xin 생일 축하합니다 !!