Friday, July 04, 2008

what a moody weather...moody friday...
it looks like going to rain a bit cooling out there...again dont have work is like going a week never go work probably they need to train more the new workers ok with me la so that i got more time to study but i haven read finish the e-tutor!! 어떻게?? still got alot of MME notes in my document folder haven read also...die la...left 3 일 only!!...going to school reopen le...haiz...still stuck at chapter 3...still got 5 more chapters...textbook i read finish le left the all informations in my computer that im using now...haiz...i cant stay up late before 12 midnight i have to sleep because my mum say im very weak le cant afford to 熬夜...熬夜伤肝... imagine read notes in computer all day,your eyes not tired meh??i feel tired so i go take nap in the end cant read finish haiz...
i today go browse for a while at my imeem inbox is flooded and my sharing also so long never go in le no time time i free i sure clear and read finish de give me some time ok??
ok i go chiong read finish my e-tutor le
p.s:found super junior cooking?cooking! mv ^^
signing off~어떻게???(0.0)???