Monday, September 22, 2008

Just watch finished all shows that are mentioned on my msn nick from the whole morning until now hahas crazy right?? one of the shows make me cry is zettai kareshi took me 4 daes?? to watch finish cos i had work 4 2 daes and now project has ended i think from now not going to continue watch another dramas cos it makes me kept watching with non-stop and become lazy for not doing my job in my not washing my clothes(vomit)-.- but now washing la...not making meal on time always very late taking our meal or skipping meal always making excuses that im very tired its now to kick off my lazy habit now those dramas im now watching is every monday...ya....
saturday i was not going home with teddy cos he got to do survey at clarke quay until 3pm thats hard of i went back with jiani, le le and his room-mate and gave me $50 for taxi fare cos he dont have any change.Before that we hired a cab is merz...i dont know why they were excited i thought the fare trip is expensive. lele showed off to teddy that we hired a merz...hahas funny... that taxi uncle dont know the way and mixed up my location to another. That means my house near CC and he mixed up with Cheng San CC omg he said sorry to me but nevermind...
as goes for sunday, went back with teddy,jacqueline and jiani teddy said he got no cash give me taxi fare i was getting worried he said he had to find ATM so we found it but is not POSB is UOB lucky jiani has that account she helped me paid taxi fare.we hired a cab and is for handicapped i hope u know what i mean. that is expensive but that uncle said normal charge. got inside got cartoon for us to watch. watch what Tom and Jerry lol long time never watch le...that uncle also drove us a long route lucky never exceed the taxi fare amount. teddy scared that it will exceed the amount so he gave me $5 for last time how good is he oh no dont misunderstood me he can be my big brother le oso he got girlfriend hahas he also form malaysia and lele too dont know why i kept meeting with malaysian...
ok la i go do my job le hope i can find another job so that i can spend my holidays...
Signing Off~hope i can work...