Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Deepavali :)Do you think my blogskin is different?? becos i accidentally deleted picture and saved the layout haiz...i think its time to change skin but donno put what skin...nevermind today is public holiday so no school and never go out.stayed at home so comfortable and no one snatch with me the computer hahas...lols...i watched finished Invincible Shan Bao Mei and back stage of The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries damn funny la i left out one more song intro is KARA de Rock You...when you are alone at home and like you are doing household chores while listening this song will make you feel happy wor^^Rock u body i say...shake it ...!! (please pause my songs on the right^^)
Next just now browsed QQ unnie's blog she shared about a game can say its sekai no nabeantsu invented ba but this game is like abit stupid la by saying 3 timetable and do a funny action me going to share something about a game but its quite long time ago and i want to play if many people want to play its called onigokko(ghost) its something like catching hide and seek the ghosts have to within time limit to catch the players the players can run around within the boundary but cannot let the "ghosts" touch you and played by Johnny Entertainment de YahX3(this time japanese sharing ar) its sound exciting ar...let's enjoy the videos ba^^
Onigokko Sport Style Eng sub pt 1
Onigokko Sport Style Eng sub pt 2
Onigokko Sport Style Eng sub pt 3
Next also the same game^^
Survival Onigikko eng sub pt 1
Survival Onigokko eng sub pt 2
Survival Onigokko eng sub pt 3
Next is this game is called catch the mouse is korean game also exciting to me its play with ur reaction fast or not
TVXQ play catching mouse game
its so funny that changmin hit jaejoong's head so hard and he hit yunho's head so soft.jaejoong's face is like what can u hit him so soft!!!u good u are not my hyung anymore...(his mind thinking)This game starting is by asking how many mouse want to catch so like catch how many(everyone ask)then the first person say how many like 3 mouses the next people can either say catch or miss if one of the person say catch the 3rd time next person and everyone have to say success then the next person have to continue to say how many if the person do it wrongly the person by the 2 sides have to hit the person who do it wrong... i think end of my sharing ba...hope i can play these games hehee=pp(^.^)v
Signing Off~enjoy^^

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Next Song Intro^^this song also QQ unnie intro in the blog and this song is so sad and meaningful that i repeated this song so many times
FT Island-사랑하지마요 (ps no music video and if want to listen please pause my songs on the right thks^^)
HEre is the lyrics...
가야죠 서둘러 가야죠미련이 눈물이 될테니
남겨진 그대 보지 못하게 좀 더 서둘러 가야죠
우네요 떠나는 사랑이 차오른 슬픔이 쏟아져
한걸음조차 걷기도 힘들어 돌아선 채 울고만 서 있네요
사랑은 하지 마요 이별이 꼭 온대요 숨 쉴 수도 없이 아파요
사랑만큼 아프면 되는 줄만 잊는 줄만 알았던 거죠
아니죠 수천배는 더 아파요
겁나요 눈뜨고 사는게 찾아도 보지 못할테니
차라리 그댈 그리워하다가 지쳐 잠든 채로 사는게 낫죠
사랑은 하지 마요 이별이 꼭 온대요 숨 쉴 수도 없이 아파요
사랑만큼 아프면 되는 줄만 잊는 줄만 알았던 거죠
아니죠 수천배는 더 아파요
다시 다시요 안돼 안돼요 바보처럼 혼자 말해요
사랑은 하지 마요 죽을만큼 아파요 매일 눈물도 난다구요
다른 사랑 온다면 쉬울꺼라 잊을꺼라 말했었는데
아니죠 내 사랑은 안 되네요 나는요
Today i watched Music Bank and Music Star got TVXQ sing Love In The Ice kor.ver. and Mirotic and this is 3 october 2008 i think it will broadcast at KBS World after 3 weeks their rank is no.4 nevermind at least they are in big 5 and no.1 is Wonder Girls-Nobody
Love In The Ice-TVXQ
Rain new album vol. 5 Rainism
Love Story-Rain
End of songs intro^^
Signing Off~Thanks QQ Unnie^^ seems that i can only post blog on weekends ar...anyway im going to intro u songs and share with u^^
Firstly,yesterday midnight, jiamin and jiawei went to my house watched videos and chat from like around 1250am-415am. Mad right?? They even brought my supper here,pizzas and mashed potato my favourites ya and japanese magazine for good...we chat inside my room chat about our primary and secondary school life we good ar can chat so long until they wanted go home i very impress of them can stayed up so late but me cannot if i stayed up late my face got problem and took me like a few weeks to recover lo....if you know me i think what am i talking about...first time invite my friends to my house and chat until so late,my first experience ar...
Next today sharing...first i want to share and shock about is next year 2009 new drama the main actor is Hero youngwoon jae joong and one actress is han hyo joo the drama called Heaven's Postman sort of like that la actually this news is i browse QQ unnie's blog found that de she so pro where to get this news from ar?? also she is jejung's fans here is the news...
Actress Han Hyo Joo is slated to play in the upcoming drama “Heaven’s Postman“, which is a joint collaboration between Korea and Japan and will be working with Hero JaeJoong of Dong Bang Shin Ki. The scriptwriting of “Heaven’s Postman” will be undertaken by Japanese screenwriter Eriko Kitagawa, who also wrote “Long Vacation” and “Beautiful Life”. The director will be Lee Hyeong Min, who directed “Sorry I Love You” and “Snow Queen”. This is the first time the two renowned writer and director will be collaborating together. As the male lead Hero JaeJoong enjoys a very high popularity in both South Korea and Japan, the drama has already attracted much attention since its preparatory stage. With the addition of Han Hyo Joo, who the Japanese viewers got to know from the drama “Spring Waltz”, the Japanese viewers are already eagerly waiting for the drama to air. Hero JaeJoong plays as a postman who delivers letters for those who had passed away while Han Hyo Joo plays as his lover.
“Heaven’s Postman” is scheduled to begin filming in early November and both Hero JaeJoong and Han Hyo Joo are currently familiarizing with the script.
Source: mydailyCredit trans: hanfever.comFounder: sharingyoochun@wordpress
此外「日语流畅的英雄在中,也要求能送他原版的剧本。」也说了,「除了东方神起的英雄在中最近正在活动中,目前也在调整其他演员的时间,下个月预计会开始首次的拍摄。」TRANSLATION:This article goes pretty in-depth about the drama. I’ll translate the main points here:
Han Hyo Joo and Kim Jaejoong are confirmed to be co-stars in their upcoming drama.Jae will act as a messenger between the dead (who are in heaven) and their family and friends (who are still living). His character is very deep and mysterious.Han Hyo Joo will act as a pure and innocent girl who lost her loved one but cannot forget him. However, after working with Jaejoong at the same job, she slowly falls in love with him.This episode of the mini-series is 120 minutes long, and the entire plot is a love story.About the kiss scene, the director says that in the drama “the two (Jae and HHJ) have mutual feelings for each other. During a beautiful sunset, one of them (not specified) says ‘I want to kiss you’, followed by a very touching kiss scene.”
They have rehearsed the drama seven times already, and Jaejoong’s acting has improved significantly.They will start filming next month, which will be adjusted into Jaejoong’s schedule.The drama is due to be aired May, 2009 on SBS.
Translation credit: cartoongirl7@soompi
here's korean version...
[기사] 영웅재중-한효주 주연 韓日 합작 드라마, 내년 5월 SBS 편성 (+ 키스씬이.....)

[OSEN=김국화 기자]동방신기의 영웅재중과 한효주가 주연하는 한일합작 드라마 '천국의 우편 배달부'가 2009년 5월 SBS에서 방송될 예정이다. '천국의 우편 배달부'는 삼화네트웍스에서 기획한 텔레시네마 중 첫 번째 작품으로 '미안하다 사랑한다'의 이형민 PD와 일본 멜로의 여왕이라 불리는 기타자와 에리코 작가가 함께하는 작품이다. 사후세계와 현세를 잇는 메신저에 관한 이야기로 영웅재중이 식물인간 상태의 메신저로 출연하고 한효주는 영웅재중의 혼령을 볼 수 있는 유일한 사람으로 등장한다. 드라마 제작 관계자는 "2회분으로 제작되는 '천국의 우편 배달부'는 내년(2009) 5월 SBS 편성 예정으로 다음 주 촬영에 들어간다. 극장 상영 계획은 아직 구체적으로 결정된 것이 없다"고 전했다. '텔레시네마'는 총 7명의 일본 인기 작가와 한국 제작진, 출연진이 함께 작업하며 한국에서 제작된다. 극장, TV에서 모두 상영될 예정이며 일본에도 극장, 방송, DVD 등 다양한 통로로 유통될 예정이다. 때문에 주인공으로 한류 스타가 언급되고 있고 일본 현지 활동으로 높은 인지도를 쌓은 영웅재중과 '봄의 왈츠' 등으로 이름을 알린 한효주가 제격이라는 설명이다. [Copyright ⓒ 한국 최고의 스포츠 엔터테인먼트 전문 미디어 OSEN( 제보및 보도자료 무단전재 및 재배포 금지] (+)한효주, 영웅재중의 여인으로… 한일합작드라마 주연 [스포츠동아]탤런트 한효주가 그룹 동방신기의 멤버 영웅재중의 여인으로 최종 낙점됐다.한효주는 한일합작 드라마 텔레시네마 ‘천국의 우편배달부’의 조하나 역할을 맡아 남자 주인공 신재준 역에 일찌감치 캐스팅된 영웅재중과 멜로 연기를 펼친다.‘천국의 우편배달부’는 드라마 ‘미안하다, 사랑한다’의 연출을 맡은 이형민 감독과 ‘하늘에서 내리는 1억개의 별’의 대본을 쓴 일본 작가 기타자와 에리코가 손 잡고 만드는 작품.영웅재중은 극중에 가족이나 친구의 죽음을 맞이한 주변 사람들의 사연을 천국으로 올려 보내는 엉뚱하면서도 신비로운 이미지의 남자를 맡았다.한효주는 사랑하는 사람을 잃었지만 잊지 못하는 순수한 영혼의 여인으로 영웅재중과 같이 일을 하게 되면서 사랑에 빠진다.120분 미니 드라마로 멜로 장르여서 두 사람의 로맨스가 기대를 모으고 있다.제작 관계자는 “서로에 대한 호감이 극대화된 두 사람이 아름다운 노을을 배경으로 서있고, ‘뽀뽀하고 싶다’는 솔직한 발언 뒤 애틋한 키스신이 예정되어 있다”며 “현재 대본 연습이 7번 진행되었고, 영웅재중의 연기도 나날이 좋아지고 있다”고 전했다.이어 “일본어 유창한 영웅재중이 원본 대본을 요청해 보내줬다”면서 “현재 동방신기 활동중이라 영웅재중 등 다른 배우들의 스케줄을 조율해, 다음달 초 촬영에 들어갈 예정”이라고 밝혔다.스포츠동아 이유나 기자*5월까지 언제 기다리죠? T_T그래도 일본에선 내년초에 먼저 극장 개봉을 할 예정이라니깐조금이나마 초조함이 덜어지네요~식물인간 상태의 영혼이 메신저가 된다니, 정말이지 딱 엘프제제를 위한 캐릭터가 아닌가 싶어요!아련하고 애틋하면서도 다소 엉뚱하기도 하고. ^^너무나도 멋지고 훌륭하게 잘 소화할 수 있을 것 같아요.일본어 원본 대본도 요청해서 체킹하는 완벽함까지, 궁디퐝퐝♥그치만 식물인간이라는 말에 벌써부터 철렁 내려앉는 맘.. T^T눈물바람 쏙 빼놓고 싶으신 거였다면, 작가님 이미 성공하셨어요~키스신은................... 거짓말이라고 해 주세요. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
omo...heard jaejoong have to kiss this girl i wondering ar...many of his fans will hate that girl ba...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rating: PG
Consumer Advice: Some violence
Genre: Action-Thriller
Language: English
Subtitles: Chinese
Director: John Moore
Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Chris O’Donnell, Beau Bridges, Ludacris, Mila Kunis, Donal Logue, Amaury Nolasco
Run Time: 100mins
Based on the legendary, hard-hitting interactive video game, MAX PAYNE tells the story of a maverick cop determined to track down those responsible for the brutal murder of his family and partner. Hell-bent on revenge, his obsessive investigation takes him on a nightmare journey into a dark underworld. As the mystery deepens, Max (Wahlberg) is forced to battle enemies beyond the natural world and face an unthinkable betrayal.
Mini sharing MVs that i want to share hehee=pp(i try every sat mv sharing^^)(please pause my songs on the right if u want to watch mv^^)
Nobody-Wonder Girls
하루하루-Big Bang
Love Like Oxygen-SHINee
Deja Vu-SS501
Signing Off~Enjoy^^(생일 축하합니다(Happy Birthday),Belated to Mingyan^^)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today nothing much...realised that my pocket money going to use up le how my mum havent return me back the money cant find a job somemore haiz...i think this time cannot work cause now the school lessons make me going to feel stress but i have to learn how to destress myself...Today PE lesson played badminton and its fun, teacher designed playing game rules make our game more interesting and fun but this way make me feel that everything we do need teamwork cause we have to hit the shuttlecock one time and cannot let it drop and we only can hit one time and take turn to hit teacher also playing with watch finish Fathers and Sons broadcasted at 8pm the ending is nice but i learn something from there Family is priceless this show is very touching by the way is Hong Kong drama series u should go watch only 25 episodes^^

Friday, October 10, 2008

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Although this news is 4 days ago, but i want to share...based on looking at the picture i think they got awarded or attended Asia Song Festival and saw Rank number 5...because its all korean and my korean is like err can read but dont understand hahas(embarass)it also said SS501 and 소녀시대 attended too wonder what is it the way welcome back to Korea^^here is the link u may check it out
next is yesterday listened le Wonder Girls-Nobody(Rainstone Remix) version its quite sad but its nicer then the original version another song is very popular is So Hot always on the K-Chart no. 1!! congratulations^^Also i listened le Big Bang's song de 하루하루 is so nice that i kept repeat this song alot of times hehee=pp FT Island another sad song 사랑후애 it is a rock band song but sad i saw their performance on KBS World the Music Bank they look so cool and the band too. This song genre is the same as the song i previous listen 사랑앓이 Next is SHINee de 산소 같은 너 (Love Like Oxygen) it is not a sad song or soothing song is like a hip hop song but is not how to descibe leh??its like u have a relationship then u will like to sing happy song aiyo what am i talking anyway its nice...Last but not least is SS501 de Find 太震撼了never heard them sing this genre i thought they will sing soothing or sad song like Never Again and 넌 나의 천국 is a sweet song.Too much song to say and share ok la go find another new show le P.S: yesterday i just watched finish Moonlight Resonance and Kurosagi the movie

Monday, October 06, 2008

1)藏经阁 - 棒棒堂
2)对不起 - 王子
3)秘密基地 - 棒棒堂
4)Dear Baby - 棒棒堂&小薰/ㄚ头/小蛮

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Thursday, October 02, 2008