Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Injured...just a few days ago i was online chatting with QQ unnie bout scars...then yesterday...i was watching 不良笑花 and i also eating chicken soup noodle and it was very first i put the bowl on the table and while i eating i cant watch tv so i use my hands to hold it dont know i was hugry until my hands no energy or what i slipped off and the hot soup poured on my right thigh i was faster go toilet used cold water but no use already had water bubbles<--translate to chinese
it was so pain until i burnt like one round around my right thigh...and my mum helped me to put cream here is e pics<--dont be frightened i know is scary but it makes me feel pain and cant wear pants i only can wear long skirts...

On Monday 20081229,i went out with 2 friends again...wanjun laogong and mengguan. and i just had a hair cut...but is not perfect hairstyle but my twins friends said nice so hair was like so curl like mad women we went city hall, cathay,bugis and dobby ghaut shopping and helped mengguan to upgrade StarHub Hubstation and went to his house to help him i entered his his house outside omg...disaster not messy la is too many things around me and jun saw le headache....then we took cab back to bugis shopping and took christmas photos...

Saturday, December 27, 2008
동방신기,생일 축하합니다!!taken from 百度贴吧 and it is so meaningful, too bad i cant type Chinese...
转眼间,神起已经一起走过了5个年头了! 从2003年出道到现在 哥哥们经历了多少的磨难和痛苦才走到了今天! <12.26> 5周年了! 回想起刚刚出道的哥哥们,带着稚嫩走向了自己喜爱的舞台! 他们5个人有着同样的梦想! 换员风波,没有将我们打倒, 没有将哥哥们打倒! 因为他们知道,有一群叫做仙后的人在等待着他们!支持着他们! 他们不能丢下仙后,不能丢下我们! 5个人,5周年! 他们经历了多少的困难才迎来了这个5周年! 哥哥们的努力我们都看在了眼里 哥哥们的用心我们也都看在了眼里 哥哥们对我们的爱我们都记在了心里 哥哥们从来不会因为我们在中国,离他们很远而少爱我们一点! 虽然我们不能像韩日的仙后一样,有机会可以见到哥哥,对他们亲口说声“哥哥,我爱你们,要记得注意身体,保护好自己” 虽然我们只能通过这个屏幕来了解哥哥们的一切消息 虽然我们苦苦等待才能等到他们来这里开一场演唱会 虽然的虽然.. 可是我们无怨无悔,因为我们深深的爱着他们! 因为他们深深的爱着我们! 神起永远都会一起走下去 这个哥哥们给我们的承诺! 仙后们会一直爱着哥哥们,陪着哥哥们,支持着哥哥们 这个是我们给哥哥们的诺言! 5年了,已经5年了 他们已经成长成为了我们心中的白马王子 他们已经成为了亚洲最棒的组合 他们已经得到了所有专业人员的认可 他们已经完成了他们每一个人的梦想 5年了, 爱着哥哥们已经很久了 自己也许从来都没有想过自己有一天会爱上他们 这样的无可自拔! 5年了, 哥哥们已经奋斗成长了5年了! 以后还有很多个5年要我们一起走过! 我们相信 他们会继续他们的梦想 我们会继续我们的诺言 神起和仙后 永远都是一起存在的! 允浩哥哥、在中哥哥、有天哥哥、俊秀哥哥、昌珉哥哥 你们永远都是仙后心中的最爱! 允浩哥哥,一定要注意自己的身体啊,不要再生病了~ 在中哥哥,一定要注意休息,腿疼了就要歇着昂~ 有天哥哥,你的笑容是我们的最爱!要一直微笑下去啊! 俊秀哥哥,你的声音真的很好听啊!要一直的歌唱下去啊! 昌珉哥哥,你的眼泪是我们最珍贵的礼物,不要再哭了,我们会心疼的啊! 哥哥们,你们永远都是仙后心中的第一 不管有多少的困难,我们都会永远支持着你们! 哥哥们,已经5年了 我们会一起努力,走过更多的5年! 东方神起,5周年生日快乐! 仙后们,加油,再多的困难我们都陪着哥哥们一起走过! 今后我们会一起努力,守护着他们!
Do you still remember until now we everytime always sing what songs to ourselves??
(second one not too sure about the meaning) Do you still remember the Red color symbolise what??<--i think de this question...
From the first time on stage and feel nervous sang (Oh Holy Night) until released the first excited (Hug) CD and also the cool style of (The Way You Are), End of year 2003,it is fated to let us have a shock of TVXQ to come out perfect<--what am i talking about??
Year 2004 released officially album (Triangle) that let many surprises andgive it to whole Korea's music careers/stations...etc that means everyone la,use unexpected ages to create a new generation's hopes and during a short period of time and create more miracles,that year the name of (Cassiopeia) famous to the whole of Asia and that year this name becomes more meaningful to our fans and become a fans club
Year 2005 released (Rising Sun) this made them become mature but cant remove their childhood memories and become the power of all music careers also become more important to their needs.That year TVXQ first time standing on MKMF's highest prize giving stage.They used their hard work and efforts to prove us they did it
Year 2006 they released another new album ('O'-Jun Ban Hup) and become a mature men cant take off their "little boys action" to sing (Balloon) to expand their famous and cannot be replaced.That year makes TVXQ honoured and belongs to part of memories to us
Year 2007 they went Japan and released Single (Summer Dream) and 'O' got first on the music chart...First of the year they had Japan Live tour concert,malaysia and Bangkok concerts makes them success and tears of joy.That year they confirm in future of their overseas careers and this name TVXQ famous the whole of Asia
Year 2008 their comebackstage (Mirotic) wakes up everyone who wait for them and them for 1 year and 7 months and use our crazy loves and supports to cheer for them.That year TVXQ still belongs to us and we love them for 5 years...
During 5 years of everything,
During 5 years of sadness and happiness
During 5 years of promises
with using all our loves walked with them through 5 years
we promised that together not only 5 years is forever
we must cherish them in our whole life
In this life,it is fated to know you until die
In this life,it is fated our name is Cassiopeia
In this life,it is fated to overcome difficulties
In this life,it is fated to only love you
In this life,it is fated that no TVXQ means no Cassiopeia

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry X'mas!!!want to view our Singapore Christmas light-up at Ochard-City Hall??
that time i was working and saw the lightings are so nice,,,last year the theme of adventure stories like snow white and seven dwafts, angels this the lightings is year is sweets^^ let's take a look all those pics that were taken by me=)

Here are TVXQ christmas songs^^
TVXQ:Christmas Songs

today i got work later from 7pm-3am so my countdown i will be working at countdown myself and goes for christmas day 7pm-12am never go out with my friends for christmas outings...can see that my every christmas seasons i will celebrate alone nevermind i got TVXQ' s songs accompany alone these 2 days i will sing TVXQ de christmas songs and their debut singles and albums songs together hehe...probably my hp and mp3 will be no battery ba...this morning i sent christmas E-Card to everyone hope they can receive it and reply me back either my blog chat-box,or reply by email^^
TVXQ celebrates with us including Cassiopeia and me^^

(Let it snow,let it snow, Let it snow...)<--due to that video...
last but not least TVXQ give us presents...
Merry X'Mas^^
(Santa claus is coming to town...)
I also post tomorrow de now^^

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bella eventually discovers that Edward is a vampire, though he only consumes animal blood, and the pair fall in love. After Edward introduces Bella to his vampire family, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie, three nomadic vampires—James, Victoria, and Laurent—arrive and put Bella's life in danger. James, a tracker vampire, is intrigued by Edward's protectiveness over a human, and decides to hunt her for sport. Edward and his family put their lives at risk to protect Bella, but James lures her into a trap by making her believe he is holding her mother hostage. James attacks and bites Bella, but Edward, along with the rest of the Cullen family, arrives before he can kill her. James is destroyed, and Edward sucks the venom from James's bite out of Bella's arm, preventing her from becoming a vampire herself. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses to let happen. The film ends showing Victoria at the prom watching the pair together, ready to seek revenge for the murder of James.
After watched this movie we walked back home and on the way we chat about the movie until we reached home, it was about 3-4 plus AM...
Here is the Original Soundtrack^^

Track listing
1."Supermassive Black Hole" (Muse) – 3:29
2."Decode" (Paramore) – 4:22
3."Full Moon" (The Black Ghosts) – 3:50
4."Leave Out All the Rest" (Linkin Park) – 3:20
5."Spotlight" (Twilight Mix) (Mute Math) – 3:20
6."Go All the Way (Into the Twilight)" (Perry Farrell) – 3:27
7."Tremble for My Beloved" (Collective Soul) – 3:53
8."I Caught Myself" (Paramore) – 3:55
9."Eyes on Fire" (Blue Foundation) – 5:01
10."Never Think" (Robert Pattinson) – 4:29
11."Flightless Bird, American Mouth" (Iron & Wine) – 4:00
12."Bella's Lullaby" (Carter Burwell) – 2:19 <--this song nice^^
1."Supermassive Black Hole" (Muse) – 3:29
2."Decode" (Paramore) – 4:22
3."Full Moon" (The Black Ghosts) – 3:50
4."Leave Out All the Rest" (Linkin Park) – 3:20
5."Spotlight" (Twilight Mix) (Mute Math) – 3:20
6."Go All the Way (Into the Twilight)" (Perry Farrell) – 3:27
7."Tremble for My Beloved" (Collective Soul) – 3:53
8."I Caught Myself" (Paramore) – 3:55
9."Eyes on Fire" (Blue Foundation) – 5:01
10."Never Think" (Robert Pattinson) – 4:29
11."Flightless Bird, American Mouth" (Iron & Wine) – 4:00
12."Bella's Lullaby" (Carter Burwell) – 2:19 <--this song nice^^
Twilight OST

Sunday, December 21, 2008
TVXQ 2009 Calendar...

is it nice and want to buy?? me use those pics as my desktop pics so that i can treat it that i bought it<--pathetic sia...lie to my ownself...T.T
but compare to wall calendar, i prefer desk calendar because its cute actually both are nice la...Those calendar can say it celebrates TVXQ 5th Anniversary^^
credit to 百度贴吧^^