Thursday, December 11, 2008
Morning Exercise?? i'm going to blog about last Monday that was 20081208.It was a public holiday,Hari Raya Haji. So my mum's friends,brother and i went to go morning exercise,u know where??is Bukit Timah Hill there(武吉知马自然保护区,Bukit Timah Nature Reserve)
there got alot 0f monkeys but too bad cant took pictures of it too fast and i saw the baby monkey too so cute...That morning was raining heavily and non-stop so we like some of them never brought umbrella and we all so wet while go trekking...the route is took us around 2-3 hrs...but due to raining and plus plenty resting time we took around 4 hrs to walked finished...its so tired plus alot of staircases and the path was slippery i got quite a few times almost fall down...and one thing make me so embarass is that i vomitted in front of them after i took hundered over staircases and they helped me massage to make my blood circulation flow well...thanks to them my 3"osim"massagers hehe...they said me that time my face all pale very scary hahas...first time leh i walked along route.That time i went another short route took me around 1hr to walked when i was in secondary...on the way we listened to songs, sang songs and of course took pictures^^here the pictures...
Me and my mum first time resting looks abit tired ya...

raining leh still got quite alot of ppl go trekking...

my mum and brother...

That's me abit blur...

this abit better trying to act Korean how to wear towel hahas...
overall is...good next time must come again and try not to vomit in front of others so disgusting...winter is coming no wonder so cold...brrr...
Happy Green Clover thought hard on 12:49 AM.