Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy 牛(new) Year^^

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Quiz...- People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.- At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.- No tag back.
2)this year - 19岁
3)Loves - TVXQ and many more korean singers or bands
4)think too much...very dramatic...
5)love to day-own world
6)懒 and forgetful,blur...
7)can be very quiet...
8)can be very mad until people say me NINA~!!!!
9)love singing a lot...especially when it is chatting topic that can link it and sing xD
10) when alone at home will talk to my ah bear(birthday bear soft toy)<--搞自闭/emo??
So, 10 people to pass this on to:<--can choose dont do it...wont force you...
8-QQ unnie
9-Yuri unnie
1.Are you single - of course!!
2.Are you happy - Yes^^
3.Are you bored - sometimes lo
4.Are you fair -No i wish to be...
5.Are you Italian - hello im Singaporean^^
6.Are you intelligent - i'm not
7.Are you honest - yes,my mum say cannot tell lies<--wow so obedient ar??
8.Are you nice - yes dare not provoked anyone
9.Are you Irish -No
10.Are you Asian - yes
1)Full Name - Nina Chang Jingyi 莊静仪(as in NRIC)
2)Nicknames -裝金鱼(when im young classmates called me),莊小姐(my mum called me de),Nana(angeline,janice and jonathan called me)
3)Birth place - Singapore^^
4)Hair color - black (if sunshine shone on it,is chestnut brown and i never dyed hair)
5)Natural hair style - curl??
6)Eye colour - black.
7)Birthday - 13th January 1990
8)Mood - 乐观,开朗
9)Favorite color - Blue,Green,White,Red<--TVXQ cassiopeia!!!
10)One place you'd like love to visit - Korea!!!
-Have you ever been in love - 到目前沒有...
-Do you believe in love at first sight - maybe all dramas are like that<--watch too much le -Do you currently have a crush? - of course my idol la,심창민오빠~
-Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yes my primary school classmates
-Have you ever broken someone's heart - ya my mum because she see my results...haiz...
-Have you ever had your heart broken - yes when my dearest grandma...
-Have you ever liked someone but never told them - maybe??
-Are you afraid of commitment - maybe??<--搞不清楚状况??
-Who was the last person you hugged - i never hug anyone only people hug me,my mum...
-Who was the last person you said I love you to? my mum~
1-Love or lust - what do u mean??
2-Hard liquor or beer - beer??drink 1 time only next time dont drink, bad for ur health...
3-Cats or dogs - d0gs especially small white color de
4-A few best friends or any regular friends - a few best friends.
5-Creamy or Crunchy - dont know...u mean dark chocolates??
6-Pencil or Pen - pencil ba so that can erase...
7-Wild night out or romantic night in - romantic night in
8-Money or Happiness - can i choose both??
9-Night or day - u mean outing of cos both la...
10-IM or phone - phone.
1-Been caught sneaking out -yes when im small went to neighbour house,in the end locked outside...
2-Seen a polar bear - is zoo counted??
3-Done something you regret - yea...
4-Bungee jumped - what is it??
5-Eaten food that fell on the floor - got rice...cannot waste food somemore my house floor so clean<--每天都在打扫...
6-Finished an entire jaw breaker- dont know
7-Been caught naked - when im small/baby??
8-Wanted an ex bf/gf back - dont have boyfriend before....
9-Wanted to disappear - no cant bear to leave my everything...
1-Smile or eyes - smile
2-Light or dark hair - dark
3-Hugs or kisses - hugs maybe??
4-Shorter or taller - taller than me
5-Intelligence or attraction - dont know...
6-Topman or Zara - what is it??
7-Funny or serious - both.. ??
8-Older or Younger - Older ba...i dont know la....
9-Outgoing or quiet - both ba...
10-Sweet or Bad -of course sweet.
1)Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yes primary school singing competition,choir,joined chinese/english dramas...
2)Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - ya marathon chatting xD<--bill expensive... 3)Ever tried walking on your hands - no
4)Ever been to a rock concert - no
5)Ever been on a cheerleading team - my secondary house cheers??
6)Ever been on a dance team - no
7)Ever been on a sports team - no
8)Ever been in a drama play/production - no
9)Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - NO..
10)Ever been in a rap video? - no..
Last phone call you made - Jiamin
Last person you hugged - mum<--isnt ask before?? Last person you hung out with - Wanjun laogong Last time you worked - traffic counting for christmas light-up and countdown yeat 2009?? Last person you talked to -my classmates?? Last person you IM'd - huh?? Last person you texted -Wanjun laogong Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Jiamin and Jiawei...
Last person/thing you missed - my idols??
Last website visited - Youtube
This is my first time do blog quiz xDD

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Song Intro...hello everyone, welcome to Nana's music chart. I'm your DJ here, nana^^ this week there are quite alot of new songs and most popular songs let's see what im going to rank this week music chart^^(1st time doing as DJ hahas)
(Note: those songs are inside my mp3 that i listened to it everyday)
Let's start from No.10 ...
No.10 : My Style- 브라운아이드걸스(Brown Eyed Girls)

My Style (Hidden Track) - BROWN EYED GIRLS
although this song album released at 20081030...also won No.1 at K-chart(KBS Music Bank).This song's genre abit of disco and pop is the song-->
Next No.9:붉은 노을(Sunset Glow) -Big Bang

Sunset Glow - Big Bang
This song is abit like techno...but in this MV they wore animal costumes just like TVXQ's MV Balloon...this can show us their childish side instead of cool style side...this album Remember album released on 20081105
Next No.8:Don't Say Goodbye-동방신기(TVXQ)

Dont Say Goodbye - 동방신기
This is a soothing song also a sad song and in this song Max Shim Chang Min sang high pitch...
No.7:주문-MIROTIC (Chinese ver)
Mirotic [Chinese Version] - Dong Bang Shin Ki
Now they created another version after the clean version...chinese version yes...weird right?? and their pronounciation still have to improve...but their "under my skin" never change to "under my sky" maybe every korean albums that they released will sing one of the hit songs to change it to chinese version...waiting for their next album xDD
No.6:Stand By Me-샤이니(SHINee)
Shinee-_Stand_by_me_OST_(official_full_song).mp3 - SHINee
This song is released in Korean Drama 꽃보다 남자 (Boys Over Flowers) OST .The actors and far i only remember SS501 de Kim Hyun Joong act as Yoon Ji Hoo.
No.5:U R Man-SS501

02. U R Man - SS501
This is their latest album Triple S. Instead of 5 members become 3 members.The other 2 members act dramas and perform on stage...hope they can be together again and release new album...
Butterfly(Naruto closing theme song) - KARA
This is Anime korean version de Naruto and they sing at ending anime song...they are very young and honoured to help them sing anime song...and heard that they went for record until very late midnight...辛苦妳们了^^This song makes me feel relieve because of their song rythms and showed off their activeness and young...
Now is No.3 le.Guess who is ranked No.3^^....dugudugudugu.......................
No.3:Pretty Girl-(카라)KARA

Pretty Girl - Kara
This 2nd mini album Pretty Girl released on 20081205.Their 1st hit of the song is Pretty Girl...their 'sexy' dance let alot of boybands remember dance steps and dance exactly the same...e.g:their seniors,SS501,FT Island,SHINee...etc.
Next...who is ranked No.2???dugudugudugu...........................
No.2:내 머리가 나빠서(Because i'm stupid)-SS501
내 머리가 나빠서 - SS501
Next is No.1!!! guess who is it???dugudugudugu.......

Bolero - 東方神起
enjoy this week music chart^^