Sunday, January 04, 2009
Just a short post and maybe sort of nothing to post le ba i got a few days never update on them le TVXQ mianae =( by the way that time i burnt my right leg thigh it gonna to be worst yesterday my mum said why so red??and the skin temperature no is the skin surface is becoming very hot...somemore she helped me burst alot of bubbles burst le still she is trying to stop me having bubbles and put medicine on it...she also said if not recover well ask me to go see doctor on Monday but i got school on Monday,she said inform the teacher and take MC pain cant even sleep,eat and sit properly cannot move around only can lie on the sofa watch TV,sleep cant do my homework somemore...die la tomorrow have to hand in le and also havent study for my test!!!here is some pics that taken yesterday <--dont be frightened i know is look abit scary...