Friday, February 27, 2009
我破例再 po 多一次。。。

以上这事件如有雷同,纯属巧合 copyrighted 2009
Here is 1st video only 13 secs...
2nd video...
End of Post^^

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Movie Intro time....
me and my brother just came back from movie we watched Suspect X-Galileo is so nice i know this show is so long ago at Japan...too bad Singapore buy movie too slow...later like half a month??or maybe a year le =.= after this show alot of people rushing out of the theatre and kept saying then where is the real body??then my brother and i watched the ending they found the real body already scattered and threw inside the sea...
The body of a male has been discovered, strangled to death, his face pulverized beyond recognition and fingers burned to a crisp. Assigned to the case are local precinct detective, Kaoru Utsumi, and her ex"colleague from headquarters, Shunpei Kusanagi. It turns out that the neighbor of the victim's ex"wife is a college alumnus of brilliant physicist, Manabu Yukawa, aka “Detective Galileo."He is Tetsuya Ishigami, a high school math teacher whom Yukawa personally considers a true genius. When Yukawa is brought onto help with the case by Utsumi, he begins to suspect that this “true genius"and a with whom Yukawa shares a bond of friendship as an intellectual equal is somehow connected to the murder. Elaborate bluffs, false testimonials, loopholes in logic − all begin to appear in Detective Galileo's way as if intentionally placed as a challenge by someone with mathematical brilliance.
Here is the trailer...
here is our movie ticket^^
我建议你们看 Drama version 先,再后来让你们自己决定要不要看电影版...整部戏就是四个字可以形容有始有终...
PS 1: after all my pics ready i will upload valentines day,updates of TVXQ and my secondary last class chalet gathering...maybe after my exam??
PS 2: my exam is coming 9 mar and 11 mar so this time period wont be posting but i will try to read others de^^
Here is the soundtrack^^
Galileo OST
movie new song...
Sai ai - KOH :Fukuyama & Shibasaki

Friday, February 20, 2009
突然爱上SS501的金亨俊?? !!其实我对SS501不熟...only know the 2 of the members have the same pronounciation name...hyunjoong and hyungjoon...some more same surname kim...haiz...alomost confused first i like 金賢重 but now i change the target le 金亨俊<--花心?? why i change the target just because of watching some long long time ago the videos about Park Kyung Lim how to wake those people damn funny and poor 亨俊 always attacked by Jung Min 2 times le...and also realised that one of the members sleep very deep...make so much disturbing never wake up xDD ok 废话不多说 let's watch those videos ba^^ (Sorry there is no sub)
next...(now this got subs)part 1
part 2
last one part 3
PS1:those videos is just found out at related videos after watching Yuri unnie's blog de videos
PS2:i just realised that i like the youngest members in the boybands like TVXQ changmin oppa 21 yrs 18Feb and SS501 HyungJoon
PS3:mianae TVXQ oppas never updates about you all next time i got much time i will update de...

Monday, February 16, 2009
15 days of Lunar CNY...As we want to go 1st aunt 拜年 realised that ah ma, my father side that day midnight fall down and was admitted to Tan Tock Seng we visited her she fall on back of her head...after that we continue our 拜年 after that we went Batam,Indonesia there to 拜年 again after that 初三 morning we went back to Singapore...before that we rode on our 2 cousins' motors to Batam Center...and my one of my cousins said me im fat and that time i can sit 3 person including me to sit 1 motor now cannot le he complained to his mum"哎呀, 坐不下,静仪太大只了!"so i took another motor...
on the way back home took bus 72 of the sky...
we went Malaysia with my mum for CNY Amway celebration this is 财神爷 beside is MC we played games after buffet for dinner...