Monday, March 30, 2009
可以说每一个礼拜六和天都会去堂阿姨家一趟...this time no not this time is last 2 weeks we visited my ah gong he again went operation to take out dead cells or flesh from his right foot again...and we took a few pctures of his wounds(can choose whether want to see the pictures by scrolling down)<--is really can make u vomit then last thursday i mum went to Malaysia to attend class of health and received alot phone calls from my 堂阿姨 said that ah gong's wounds is getting worsen and he cant protect his toe had to remove it...and that time he operate it is around wednesday if im not wrong... Thursday, 20090326, around 11pm the important point is that my ah gong went after operation and he felt more pain of his foot so he went to hospital and also heard that he fell down dont know where because of no balance when he walked and also he is concious but cant remember everything including cant recognise my relatives due to too strong medicine that he taken...i heard i was too worried and my mum said called back home told us that she would not be heart was like very worried dont know what to do and only can do is help ah gong pray that he is fine while i praying for 1 hour my tears kept rolling down on my face without control and kept thinking alot of things that belongs me and my ah gong's memories...and somemore i cant sleep...thanks to my friends kept console me that ah gong will be fine,dont think too much and get back to sleep but i cant...when i closed my eyes i kept thinking and also some negative thoughts so i stayed awake until 6 plus morning then go back to sleep. my mum was back around thursday midnight on friday she told me about what happened there...heard that ah gong cant sleep after taking one tablet of 安眠药 but cant sleep so he took another one...can sleep but he kept saying those nonsense things that made my 堂阿姨 cried and scared so asked my mum to mum saw that ah gong even peed on his pants and they helped my ah gong changed...they also cant get to sleep just to take care of my ah gong. so last Saturday 20090328 went to malaysia and visit my ah gong i saw ah gong's foot i felt like crying and felt heart pain how pity that my ah gong going such suffering i kept control my tears dont let it come out from my eyes<--现在我的眼眶红红的 he cant walk properly need 2 person 扶着. arh i forget to tell u that after my mum went there my 二姨 also came...then later we saw 堂阿姨 help ah gong to wash wound again...this time we never took pictures because is at night so take le is not very clear...and she told us where is the bone where can see it and veins etc...we looked very disgusting also felt pain in my heart too...hope that ah gong no need to go operate his foot again...(here's the pictures taken last 2 sunday)