Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Movie Intro time...
after watching part 1 now comes with series 2 compare this 2 show i prefer series 2 because more hilarious scenes than series 1...i watched last Saturday midnight at AMK hub after i end work i met my friend, jiamin and jiawei...they again treat me watch movie and paiseh... ok here is the summary of the show^^
Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) now works at Daley Devices, a company that manufactures his inventions. He finds that the American Museum of Natural History is closed for upgrades and renovations, and the museum pieces are moving to the Federal Archives at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. On the last night, Larry meets the museum pieces such as Teddy Roosevelt (Robin Williams), Rexy the Tyrannosaurus Skeleton, and Dexter the Monkey and finds out that several exhibits, including Teddy, Rexy, the Easter Island Head, and Ahkmenrah (Rami Malek) are not moving to The Smithsonian Institution - the other exhibits will no longer be animated. The next night, Larry gets a call from Jedediah (Owen Wilson), saying that Dexter stole the tablet, and that Kahmunrah (Hank Azaria), Ahkmenrah's older brother, is attacking them. Larry takes a plane to Washington and visits the National Air and Space Museum, the National Gallery of Art and the Smithsonian Castle to find the Federal Archives with the help of his son Nick (Jake Cherry).
Larry sneaks into the archives and locates the exhibits, frozen in the middle of a battle with Kahmunrah and his troops, who are trying to lock the exhibits in a crate. Larry got hold of the Tablet of Arkmenrah, just when the sun sets and all the exhibits come alive again. Kahmunrah and his troops lock the crate and take the Tablet from Larry, and he tells Larry that bringing the exhibits to life is just only one of the tablet's powers - he intends to use it to raise an army from the underworld and conquer the world. Larry escapes with the help of General George Armstrong Custer (Bill Hader), who gets captured, and meets Amelia Earhart (Amy Adams), who is thrilled at the prospect of adventure and accompanies Larry. Meanwhile, Kahmunrah is able to recruit Al Capone (Jon Bernthal), Ivan The Terrible (Christopher Guest) and Napoleon Bonaparte (Alain Chabat) to help him capture Larry in return for sharing the world with him when he conquers it. Custer is locked up with the other exhibits from the American Museum of Natural History, and while he conceives a poor plan of attack, Jedidiah and Octavius (Steve Coogan) sneak out to help Larry.
Larry and Amelia are captured and taken to Kahmunrah. Kahmunrah then attempts to activate the tablet to open the gates of the underworld by pressing the symbols on the tablet, only to find out that the combination has been changed. He orders Larry to decipher the tablet's riddle and figure out the new combination before sunrise, and traps Jedidiah in an hourglass to hasten his attempts. Larry and Amelia consult a bust of Teddy who says that the answer is in the heart of the pharoah's tomb. The duo then consult The Thinker, but he gets distracted by a beautiful statue of a woman. They finally consult a group of Albert Einstein bobbleheads who tell them that the answer to the riddle (and hence the new combination) is pi. Larry and Amelia return to Kahmunrah, and Amelia goes for help while Larry delays Kahmunrah. Capone, Napolean and Ivan arrive and tell him the code, and he opens the gates of the underworld and summons an army of bird-men.
Suddenly, the statue of Abraham Lincoln from the Lincoln Memorial bursts through the window, frightening the bird-men back to the underworld. Amelia then arrives, having freed the other exhibits, and Custer orders them to attack. After a battle, Larry duels Kahmunrah with his flashlight, defeating him and casting him into his own portal to the underworld. Amelia flies Larry and the other exhibits back to the American Museum of Natural History, where Teddy welcomes him back, and Larry assures him he has a way for them to remain there. Larry and Amelia say good bye and kiss, then Amelia flies away leaving Larry outside of the museum. Some time later, it is revealed that Larry sold his company and donated the money to the museum to pay for Audio-Animatronics" exhibits - the exhibits that come at night are now accessible to the public alive, including Teddy as a tour guide, and Atilla as a storyteller since the museum now opens late. Larry is rehired at the museum as the night guard, and meets a young woman who looks just like Amelia. The film concludes as they talk and both walk off as Larry guides her towards the hall of miniatures with Jedidiah seen cheering as he rides a toy airplane. During the credits, a man from a black and white painting Larry visited is seen examining Larry's cell phone, which he left in a painting, and makes a new discovery (for his time period). His mother calls him, and his name is Joe Motorola.
here is the trailer...
Night At The Museum 2 Trailer May 22 - For more of the funniest videos, click here
before we watched this show ,we queued up bought tickets and i saw Subaru trailer i was so high a bit....then they played TOHOSHINKI Bolero MV i was damn high la....i almost going to scream out loud then my friend say....Nina,please control yourself....i was damn high kept singing....then before show start they played again i was arh......omo omo first time they played os many abit pity that they never come here promote the show....although they never act...
after this show...we walked back home together and on the way we discussed the show and they treat me eat korean rice crackers....i want to watch Subaru...dont know wanjun laogong can accompany me or not...
PS:hey guys..for ur information i will not be in singapore from 27th-31st May 2009 as im going to Batam,Indonesia to celebrate Ah gong's i will not be posting blogs these few days ^^

First, i long time never updates about them is TVXQ<-- bad fans... 2009 BigEast Desk calendar limited edition's picture come out le....please go here: <--lazy to post so many pictures hee =P(those pics are mostly taken from last year...) not recently perhaps... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Next Highlights taken from the source: DBSKarchives News
[News] Swine Flu Attack in Kansai and TSC Concert
The Swine Flu Attack and May 23th – 24th Japan Tour.May 23th – May 24th – Tohoshinki is scheduled to have performances in Sapporo.길혜성 News 2009/05/21 10:11The spreading of influenza in region of Kasai, Japan makes a lot of new artists to cancel all performances, however the current national tour held by Tohoshinki is not yet affected.Tohoshinki is now running their 4th Japan tour The Secret Code, which was begun in Kobe (May 4th -5th), Saitama (May 9th – 10th), Sendai (May 16th – 17th), etc.On May 21st Tohoshinki’s spokesperson Song Hwang Ri said, “On May 23rd – 24th, Tohoshinki will have concert in Sapporo and Sapporo is not in Kansai region.”Thus, up until now, Tohoshinki’s 4th live tour in Japan will be able to run safely. But the problem will raise in the mid-June, where Tohoshinki’s concert finally is scheduled to be performed in several cities in Kansai region: Osaka (June 10th – 11th, June 13th – 14th) and Nagoya (June 18th, 20th, and 21st).For Kansai region in Japan is currently stated as new influenza pandemic, Tohoshinki’s concert can’t guarantee to be held as scheduled in those areas. There’s one popular singer’s performances which was originally scheduled to be held in that area as well, however due to the spread of influenze cases in Kansai, has been recently canceled.Meanwhile, Tohoshinki’s Tokyo Dome The Secret Code concert will be held on July 4th – 5th as the last show of the tour.Source: 길혜성 News + arr80@soompiTrans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Posted by DBSKer at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Info + News
omo glad that it is successfully of their concerts...famous that alot of Japanese artists attended their concerts wow...cha ra so yo TVXQ hwaiting!!!omo omo cant wait for their new 28th singles [Stand By U] and 4th Jap and Korean Tour concerts DVD!!!
Next i found this...who's drawing is it??...of cos is Jaejoong oppa...

From the source:
Stand By U here from that source:
28th singles songs preview...
Next, Guess who is the behind man??

last time i went with my friend, wanjun to library study...not sure what im going to i just go search the books about flash and XML thingy...because i realised that i dont really understand much of this understand le...lols =.='' then suddenly i feel that i wanted to read a novel regarding about my feelings that i felt that time...want to forget something or memory...not sure what i want to forget also...just want to read this kind of i found this...nice to readand took me around 4 days to read finish<--wow!! BREAK RECORD(normally took long read finish or read halfway then here is the book i want to share with u^^<--突然变得有文化...

內容簡介:「遺忘」的味道是怎樣的?「記起」又是怎樣的滋味?依蘭經營的香薰店,售賣的是「遺忘」的味道。她為每一個到訪的顧客調製屬於他們的回憶味道,苦橙葉的香氣會代替回憶中的苦澀,為以後生活添上新的感覺。然而,她為客人丟掉不快的回憶,自己卻是個遺忘症患者。她在「尋找」與「遺忘」之間掙扎,原來,忘記並不代表釋放…… <--深奥...
While im reading this i can imagine what scents smell that they are talking about...and want to really smell that can say this book is boring or i am reading emo book but it really regards to my not an emo person but dont know want to read this...hope you can read it^^ oh ya this is the writer's webpage: and her blog:

Thursday, May 21, 2009
what happened to me these few days...This few days...can say abit moody...cos...i keep updating my ah gong's condition at Indonesia....last monday...i received a message from my cousin at Indonesia said that ah gong admitted to hospital asked us to faster go there...i without thinking went called my mother...i heard my mum is crying...that time i had a few negative thoughts...thought back that time my mum called us to faster packed our stuffs get ready to visit our grandma in hospital...i bear my tears rolled down on my face...told my teachers i wanted to take leave.Teachers allowed i left the class...some people will think that what happened to me??why i had a sad expression on my face?? alot of questions in their head...but i never answered them a single mind full of mess...i ran out of the school to the bus-stop, that time it was raining...on the way back home...i received a phone call from my brother said that no need to go le...ah gong was out in danger and back to conscious...i was felt relieved but before that i called my supervisor that i will not be working these few days...never mind i called back again to cancel my my mum called again asked about my ah gong's condition heard that he was discharged from hospital...i felt another relieved but quite a sad news is his 2nd and third toe is turned black and the doctor said need to operate cruel that treat my ah gong like that...he is not young anymore!!why he has to go through such suffering?? my mind appear alot of questions but cant find any answers...
Today im sick,got headache again...never go school...miss my lesson again..i've been sleeping from yesterday 8pm till afternoon or evening 5pm...what a long time huh??

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Gifts to QQ unnie^^
next this frog...err... <--keroro(weird frog huh....or maybe he is not!!??)

Last but not least...<--keroppi
Keroppi Hasunoue
Keroppi Hasunoue (はすの上 けろっぴ ,Hasunoue Keroppi?) is a frog character with large eyes and a V-shaped mouth. Keroppi has appeared in two video games: Kero Kero Keroppi no Bouken Nikki and Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken. Keroppi was created in 1987 and has been 'going green' ever since.
Keroppi lives with his brother, sister and parents in a big house on the edge of Donut Pond, the largest and bluest pond around. Keroppi and his friends share his love for baseball and boomerangs. Most often he is seen with his little snail friend Den Den, always tagging along a little behind.
I found these pics of frogs ...u can take it xDD...dont know what to give u so...ya...hope u like it^^ Happy Birthday...
one frog has one mouth...two eyes plus four legs...<-- translate to chinese hehe^^

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers' DayMothers' Day this year fall at today 20090510...what do you give to your mum?? me, very simple used my own earn pay bought ice-cream cake for my cake leh to me is a very expensive gift for my mum 1kg for 58 plus 30% staff discount^^ but is worth it...we celebrated on last thursday, due to my busy schedules for school and part-time job...
orh...i havent tell you all that i have been work as Andersen's waitress for past one month le...hope i can work very long as this is my second time work F&B line.
for more information please go to :
only know that all ice-cream dont have ingredients of eggs so is not fattening^^
ok back to cake...
<--within 45 mins will melt...flavor: Mocha Almond Fudge and Mint Chip,dont know is my handphone's camera problem or what is abit blur...
we share this between my mum,auntie,2nd aunt,brother,him and me^^but this year i think my mum is not happy because of him destroy the my mum 把全部的气发泄在我身上... <--拿我当出气桶啊...
nevermind...while i saw this pic,it will make my mind ease...
<--cute mah??this is yesterday i collected all dishes and found this smiley face^^
Yan lan said me:u really took this pic ar,crazy...
hehe this is my pattern like to take "rare" pics xDD
hope in my future my work will be successfully...hopefully...
P.S:ice-cream cake already ate finish within 2 days night^^
听妈妈的话 别让她受伤 ,想快快长大 才能保护她 ...

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Its Summer Time!!!又是到了星期六啦...同样的像是我那时打的网志,星期六的感觉...我又开始幻想我住在日本,<--妄想症很严重...
住一间靠近海边的房子. 家俱布置简单舒适, 外加窗口还挂着风铃. 当有一阵风吹来,窗口挂着的风铃就会叮叮噹噹地响着,白色的长窗帘会飘着. 这种感觉让人舒服...
再听一些钢琴歌曲, 让你的思想与身体放松下来...再来可以趁这个机会去阳台晾衣服.
End of my imagination....lols...
第一首: Summer Dream-東方神起
第二首:Summer Time-NEWS <--几百年没听他们的歌了...