Thursday, September 07, 2006
It was happened around 1 week ago...i remember it was happened on Wed night.As i am a ic from my religion,i had to go house visits.That guy's mother treated us some i was eating with my friends,the girl who call H.T(not mentioned her name) said about nasty thing about me...i was trying not to cry in front of anybody....but i couldn't control tears were rolling down my face...i quickly went inside the toilet and cried...while i was crying,i think twice for myself....i thought i had changed a lot?why she can't accept my behavior?i had tried to change...y???After that,we went home together....i pretend that nothing happened....i never took bus home,i walked back home.all along is crying and walking back home alone....i can't accept this!what she want from me! She even never said what she want from mind was keep thinking what had happened that time....i can't stop i reached my home downstairs,i wiped away my tears while going up...when i reached home,luckily my brother at home.He do not know i tried to put all my feelings that i felt,put inside my heart...Signing off~