Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Annyeong...quite a few days never blog le....hehe...cause this few days are at home doing nothing and watch Rainbow Romance at Youtube and watch until episode 37 slow hor...still far away the episodes 243 leh!!! At first i dont like Super Junior(슈퍼주니어) because they sort of copying TVXQ(동방신기)'s official item like T-shirts but their songs are quite nice especially Full Of Happiness,HaengBok(행복) and U After i watch Rainbow Romance so far i found that Kim Ki Bum is so cute and handsome!!! he is the 2nd youngest members of the group in this show he act as a university student who live with 3 people in an apartment he always fighting with Lee Min Ki when they are fighting they are so cute lol...and yesterday around 9pm i watch KBS World channel 173 there is a korean drama call Single Dad In Love(싱글파파는 열애중 ) you know who is the character? Other than the main actor and actoress Super Junior, one of the member Shin Dong act as Oh Chil Gu i was so shocked that he act in this show.The drama is quite nice by the way i watch it it showed until episode 9....(=.=)altogether got 16 episodes, omg there are so many dramas i want to watch but dont have so much free time...And i just went to Jkpoppy and Krushes there is nothing for me to buy...just bought SuJu water bottle for SGD 15 not yet arrive...and i ordered for so long Changmin's Banana Tee the supplier has searched for more than a month costs SGD 38 actually i bought quite alot through online shopping bought 4 tees from TVXQ, Pink blanket and korean S Magazine all costs me more than a hundred bucks...(T.T) but im not regret of buying cause im the J&K fans...(>.<)v
one more update TVXQ Beautiful You Mv is out at Youtube the song is so nice changmin become so handsome as for junsu and micky too
Changmin's pet dog, Mung Dong^^
k la go continue watch rainbow romance le じゃね~('',)