Monday, July 07, 2008

Shopaholic Gal...
yesterday go take my pay...and made a promise to my brother that want to treat him choco i bought 1 box of choco eclair,2 boxes of mochi ice-cream and 1 box of tiramisu...yuting and sarah treat me so good only charged me 2 boxes of mochi ice-cream then we went to eat yoshinoya for our dinner.Then we shop around is like window shopping... then go watson buy tissue and hand soap cos i have contact lens le so before wearing i have to wash my hand to help get rid bacterias...then go TheFaceShop omg everytime i go there always spend around $100 plus cos my face haiz...then the promoter keep promote the products to me then attractive hahas...cant control it at least i buy needed de hehee=pp then go TS buy L change the world dvd, at first want to buy at Kinokuniya however i look at the time and my mochi ice-cream going to melt soon cos they put dry ice but only last for one and a half hour everything in the rush got free keychain and magic cube woo~ then go Daiso shop shop buy 蜡笔小新 de favourite biscuit and rice mix toppings ok la quite nice but my brother cant finish it then we took train home and watched L kns got problem of the disc play le 2 times still the same
today so go change the school very eng no pe no lesson except for cmos very difficult to 打发时间 so play poker cards with eslynn,kanjun,kangte and shirong at safra after lunch ok la quite fun de
today 我的身子很差 伤风,咳嗽又有一点发烧外加声音变了 haiz...又变成病猫了。。。
signing off~病猫上