Sunday, July 20, 2008

these few days never blog le hahas...can say lazy to blog or i never use this computer to blog only watch where should i start first??...ok,i start with thursday....
school lessons is ok la a bit sianz is that the break time too long hard to spend...i spend on eating my heavy luch cos not full ....we went home early during lifeskill cos we came out the idea very fast then took bus home with ruifan and gengtao at my house downstairs have home visit they cant go to my house sansho cos my house very messy so inconvenient to let them in...then we went market there chat then buddhism sharing ok la not so sian is like 2 hours very fast easy to spend maybe too focus le ba.... yanyan at bus interchange for cca...this time my turn to wait for her cos i came early hahas finally...then spend on drinks and bread cos hungry haiz...then after that went aljunied took train back with yanayn from tampines alight there yanayan going vivo me go temple early so chant daimoku there and doing evening gongyo dinner with my mum and brother eating bak kut teh again den attend friday chanting session...took bus 13 home received a message from jiawei said want to catch a movie then i have no money so they treat me so good even icecream also going AMK Hub cathay look at the screen only 3 shows pathetic Hellboy 2 ,Red cliff and The Dark Knight we decided to watch the dark knight cos hellboy part 1 i never watch so never watch part 2 bought 3 tickets at 1230am at first wanted to buy 1130pm but full hosue so we bought that timimg also going full house left 7 rows in front so we took no.7 row ok la nice but the sound effect is so loud lo then end at around 3 something quite long and i feel very cold there even wearing my sweater...spend on drinks again haiz...then walked back home reached home at 4 am thats too late so i went sleep at 5am too tired le...
these few days never blog le hahas...can say lazy to blog or i never use this computer to blog only watch where should i start first??...ok,i start with thursday....
school lessons is ok la a bit sianz is that the break time too long hard to spend...i spend on eating my heavy luch cos not full ....we went home early during lifeskill cos we came out the idea very fast then took bus home with ruifan and gengtao at my house downstairs have home visit they cant go to my house sansho cos my house very messy so inconvenient to let them in...then we went market there chat then buddhism sharing ok la not so sian is like 2 hours very fast easy to spend maybe too focus le ba.... yanyan at bus interchange for cca...this time my turn to wait for her cos i came early hahas finally...then spend on drinks and bread cos hungry haiz...then after that went aljunied took train back with yanayn from tampines alight there yanayan going vivo me go temple early so chant daimoku there and doing evening gongyo dinner with my mum and brother eating bak kut teh again den attend friday chanting session...took bus 13 home received a message from jiawei said want to catch a movie then i have no money so they treat me so good even icecream also going AMK Hub cathay look at the screen only 3 shows pathetic Hellboy 2 ,Red cliff and The Dark Knight we decided to watch the dark knight cos hellboy part 1 i never watch so never watch part 2 bought 3 tickets at 1230am at first wanted to buy 1130pm but full hosue so we bought that timimg also going full house left 7 rows in front so we took no.7 row ok la nice but the sound effect is so loud lo then end at around 3 something quite long and i feel very cold there even wearing my sweater...spend on drinks again haiz...then walked back home reached home at 4 am thats too late so i went sleep at 5am too tired le... wanjun at amk mrt station at 330pm waited for her around at 430pm then went to pasir ris bbq there celebrate xueqi,jacjac and peifen birthday went there already raining le saw beeyee there mengguan,marcus,liping and eewee then followed by wanling i at there nothing to do only listen to my mp3 and sitiing dere and stone...den we went toilet with wanjun 哪知道天不作美下起雨来了。。。they use red plastic cloth to cover food and themself 2 people using umbrella including me ...弄得我们很狼狈 first time bbq so 狼狈 they cover like red riding hood hahas...xueqi jacjac and peifen walking here and there looking for food beeyee kept took photo of us den gerald,rachel,elroy,ben and mervyn ben hairsyle make me a shock before that i saw $2 then i picked up on the pathway then gave to peilei as for bbq payment...hahas im so heng...sang birthday song eat cake then go home very suay is that we miss the bus 354 so we walk lo then then we rush to take train just 1 second onli when we just step 1 step of the staircase the signal say"Train Service Has Ended" then we all sianz diao wah piang alot ppl behind said that so bo bian go chiong for bus 88 lucky is last bus again lyk last time aiyo
sunday means first i can stay at home to 扑眠 then my mum back from morning gongyo at temple and i also watch 溏心风暴 at SCV repeat de then mum say want go malaysia to eat lunch??then i say siao so far den my mum said if not ur lunch ownself 搞定 den bo bian go lor i went there johor bahru e city square damn big la find place to eat is quite difficult finding 香港金加利茶餐厅 Kim Gary Hong Kong Restaurant you know who 代言??is 黄宗泽 Bosco Wong he so 帅 sia we ordered 3 set meal stone rice i eat jap style stone rice the others korean style de so nice and drinks cold milo cold milk tea and coke lemon and followed by lychee snow mellow mountain then apply member of this restaurant found that got singapore outlet i took alot of his pics too hehee=pp then shop around for awhile then go back home
p.s:the bbq pic not yet send by my friend... ...
Signing off~很累状态。。。