Thursday, September 25, 2008

also these few days know from Taiwan she add me personallyin msn and chat with her realised that she is also DBSK fan hahas this is my 2nd friend from Taiwan one is from my classmate. He is from Taipei and she i havent ask yet...Its glad that i know another friend her name call QQ can call her unnie le cos she older than me^^Another good news!!although this new is quite old le but im still happy that DBSK had released Korean 4th album Mirotic and Japanese version of Mirotic single^^jap 24th single 「呪文-MIROTIC-」is release on 2008.10.15 and the album is release on 2008.09.23 if im not wrong...their hairstlye...quite cool...i have not been updating about them quite long and my imeem account mail inbox are so many that i havent read more than 500 and additional 100 for shared box...haiz always watch shows of course no time to clear and updating about them ok la i go updating le
Signing off~DBSK-I got you~under my skin^^