Friday, October 10, 2008

Belated Birthday Celebration...
Yesterday going out with Jiamin for her belated birthday celebration at first the twins sister will come however one of the twins,Jiawei not feeling well so i met jiamin at the bus-stop at 630pm.We took bus 269 to AMK central to eat Pizza. Reached there.there were so many people no place to sit then we sit the very last corner and its so cramp lo feel like to change place but cannot too many people le...We ordered a regular pan pizza of orlean chicken and the side dish, drinks and desserts. Oh ya drinks we ordered Ice Lemon Tea then they gave us a small like tea pot then we look inside is so clear like plain water so we thought that our drinks too sweet so can add water inside so jiamin never taste it first and poured alot into it and realised that it changed the drink colour so she drink it...omg she said damn sweet lols...then i go taste it and realised that it is a sugar syrup lols -.- actually our drink is very blend so we can put some syrup into it...hahas we so 'sua ku' lo aiyo....then nevermind we ate the pizza until want to die like that cos we were very full that cant finish like a quater potion so its like very wasteful lo and my dessert also the chocolate ice-cream too sweet that i cant finish haiz....
So i asked jiamin want to go Kbox to sing then she said ok so we suppose to go back to find jiawei asked her want to go or not we were on the way back saw her so we went Kbox Plaza to sing. We dedicated alot of English songs and Japanese songs although i never listen alot of english songs but i sing the very old english songs like westlife, m2m, s club 7 and realised that they dedicated those english songs are so rock la and i sang one of the jap songs that can let me lost my voice hahas...u know everything by misia?? her voice is so high that i can out of tune and lost my voice now my voice is...dont know how to describe...we sang until 2pm and walked back home...
Signing Off~Happy Birthday Wanjun Laogong^^