Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Although this news is 4 days ago, but i want to share...based on looking at the picture i think they got awarded or attended Asia Song Festival and saw Rank number 5...because its all korean and my korean is like err can read but dont understand hahas(embarass)it also said SS501 and 소녀시대 attended too wonder what is it the way welcome back to Korea^^here is the link u may check it out
next is yesterday listened le Wonder Girls-Nobody(Rainstone Remix) version its quite sad but its nicer then the original version another song is very popular is So Hot always on the K-Chart no. 1!! congratulations^^Also i listened le Big Bang's song de 하루하루 is so nice that i kept repeat this song alot of times hehee=pp FT Island another sad song 사랑후애 it is a rock band song but sad i saw their performance on KBS World the Music Bank they look so cool and the band too. This song genre is the same as the song i previous listen 사랑앓이 Next is SHINee de 산소 같은 너 (Love Like Oxygen) it is not a sad song or soothing song is like a hip hop song but is not how to descibe leh??its like u have a relationship then u will like to sing happy song aiyo what am i talking anyway its nice...Last but not least is SS501 de Find 太震撼了never heard them sing this genre i thought they will sing soothing or sad song like Never Again and 넌 나의 천국 is a sweet song.Too much song to say and share ok la go find another new show le P.S: yesterday i just watched finish Moonlight Resonance and Kurosagi the movie
Signing Off~end of song intro^^ and my twins friend,jiamin and jiawei Happie Birthday^^