Thursday, October 02, 2008

Good morning everyone hahas just now blog about 2 days what happening now i dont know blog what le never go out so i will continue to watch my shows hahas then do my laundry make meals i think thats all le ba that time i went malaysia and took a photo of 七仔 so cute lo ohh its October le i heard that next year chinese new year is at January omg somemore is right after my birthday de 2 more weeks got to save more money le so early sia i dont like then sock hui said not good meh u can receive birthday hong pao and new year hong paos leh i dont like so early febuary would be ok hehee=pp Just now browse Tohoshinki official website realised that they changed the skin so cool hahas...haiz just know my results not done very well must jiayou le...
Signing Off~Happy Birthday My Brother,Chang Ze Jie^^