Tuesday, December 16, 2008
TVXQ's secrets...just now watched and listened finish 106.1 Radio KBS Happy FM...its so funny...all the whole programme you will heard and saw micky yuchun coughing he said he was on cold ps: oppa, please get well soon... they also got talk about tooking photo with taiwanese band Fahrenheit(sookyen have u heard it??my idol and your idol took photo together leh)

Anyway, it’s nice to see these two bands interacting with each other. I’m not a hardcore Fahrenheit fan (I’m really not into their music) but I must say that I like some of the members especially since I’ve seen all of them act in Taiwanese dramas before (yes, I remember them more as actors than singers). The picture above is such an eye candy for me because my favorite DBSK member, Kim JaeJoong, is beside my favorite Fahrenheit member, Wu Zun. Now, can that get any better for me? My eyes are glued on the left side of the picture. LOL.
Just one comment though, what did Calvin (one beside Changmin) do to his hair??? He doesn’t look Asian anymore. I prefer his long black hair than this short blonde hair he’s currently sporting.)<--oops out of topic,back to the topic now--->i found their secrets heard by unknown voices(that covered or hide their real voices)...here is the video: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/3ddl1BLVRpo/
unknown voice: dont know who, wear my clothes look like his clothes, somemore one of my clothes is my precious, he like to wear my clothes any how, never get my permission also...although is from the same group,at least say so...
junsu oppa: so bad...who is it...
unknown voice: never tell me once...changmin ah, changmin ah, changmin ah...
changmin oppa: (laughing)oh i think is micky yucheon hyung de
yucheon oppa: changmin repent yourself...
changmin oppa: ah...this got reason de, yucheon hyung always left his clothes in the hostel
junsu oppa: ah left his clothes at hostel...
changmin oppa: so i got his clothes...
yunho oppa: one more ridiculous is...at first i realised it and said who's clothes is this, so pretty ah...then changmin suddenly said hyung wait for a moment wait for a moment.then changmin said its mine then he ran away
(dont know who said de like that ah...)
changmin oppa: i was like that think de away from home only 10 seconds if run only 10 seconds distance away,moving house that moment i give up all the hostel's rights
(dont know who laugh so loud)other members said: ok that's it changmin...
radio DJ: caught the culprit is changmin
Let's listen to the second one,who is it??
unknown voice:I hide somthing on my table,hide very well...but the books on the table very neat only that thing was missing
(dont know who say who is that??)
unknown voice: yunho is you right??is you right??
jaejoong oppa: yunho, yunho
unknown voice: now let's tell the truth ba...
other members: ooooo
DJ: now let's tell the truth ba
junsu oppa: say to yunho hyung never use formal language, must be jaejoong hyung ah...(hahas,everyone laugh)
yunho oppa: but interesting is...is not me
DJ: who is it??
jaejoong oppa: not long ago isn't my things are missing ma??(dont know who said what is the thing??
jaejoong oppa: i said it was on my table ah...then i saw is at yunho's table ah
yunho oppa: i just picked up so i put on top de,is i picked up de so it's mine. I have a habit is when i picked up and i will put on my table de i didn't mean it
jaejoong oppa: what a bad habit ah(everyone laughing)
DJ: what is the thing??
jaejoong oppa: is like egg biscuit...but i hide it very well
yunho oppa: but the thing is beside the sofa there...sorry (using formal language) since it is on my table...hahahaha...
yucheon oppa: who is it??the culprit must be someone else...
someone else said:ooo is like telling the ghost story...invincible hands
unknown voice: my roommate...
junsu oppa: the voice never hide well, why never help me to hide my voice??...
yunho oppa: what is the name ah??
junsu oppa: OMG
unknown voice,junsu oppa: put all the clothes on the bed and sleep on the floor,make the only one bed give to the clothes and sleep on the floor(hahas others laugh)make me feel sad...dont know why he dont want to keep his clothes or what.So i hope he can faster keep all his clothes and make my new roommate again...jaejoong hyung...please tidy up ba(dont know he is so untidy person...)
DJ: the voice never hide well
junsu oppa: why my voice never covered??(wondering why)
yunho oppa: maybe covered too well le
junsu oppa: maybe covered my voice until like that,OMG OMG...it makes me feel sad,our room has 2 beds is me and jaejoong hyung use de,2 beds are stick together,all the clothes put on the bed and he himself sleep on the floor, what is it happened??
yucheon oppa: a few days ago, i went to junsu's hostel to play.I asked junsu, junsu ah that place who sleep de??junsu said is clothes sleeping there(junsu laughed)
junsu oppa: really the clothes are sleeping there and he sleep on the floor,is dont want to tidy up or what??
jaejoong oppa: no!no!is i have too many clothes le really alot of clothes,cupboard no space
junsu oppa: then use mine...
jaejoong oppa:others cupboard also but all those clothes are some yucheon left de and other managers left de so cannot any how throw,so i just left it on my bed
yunho oppa: so only one word still never tidy up finish
junsu oppa: got one time i said let's sleep together ba, i want to sleep with you, said tidy up ba but after a long time back to that time again...(everyone laughed)
DJ: nevermind is his character...let's listen to the next one
unknown voice: someone download GOSTOP online game on my special precious laptop(hahas junsu clap while laughing) after downloading, my internet speed become slow le,become slow le,changmin,is it you?? you little brat!!do you know you make my laptop very weird ma??compensate me faster compensate to me!!!
DJ: the voice is so cute
yunho oppa: changmin again...
changmin oppa: GOSTOP is our local game
yunho oppa: said it so serious
junsu oppa: when you start playing??
changmin oppa: seriously our country cannot dont have this game
others: yes, correct
jaejoong oppa: actually not call GOSTOP is go and stop, go and stop
changmin oppa: it so outdated
jaejoong oppa: yes go and stop
yunho oppa: changmin ah why you like that??
changmin oppa: this thing i found it not long ago, my laptop...
junsu oppa: ok let's end it here...(interrupt changmin)
changmin oppa: because of this there goes my laptop(spoilt le??)
junsu oppa: because of dont have laptop so you used jaejoong hyung no yunho hyung de
changmin oppa: how can i say it out,borrow yunho hyung's laptop on the way so i download it
DJ: so we know that voice is yunho lo??
yunho oppa: haiz...still cant hide ahh...
DJ: so let's listen to the last one(ps: i wonder what is it??)
unknown voice: i want to emphasize we live with our manager,dont know who dont know who did this, so excited,who use very sticky beverage on my laptop??so the laptop become not a laptop le
jaejoong oppa: changmin ahh(changmin laughed until clap hands)
unknown voice: that is my precious laptop ahh...
other:now you know le hor...
unknown voice: are you joking/make fun on my laptop now??(changmin laughed but junsu laugh even louder)do you know how much is this??compensate me!!!who did this??
DJ: who did this?? here, who is it??
others: until now we still dont know,really dont know
changmin oppa: the laptop is really very expensive ahh somemore its very good to use it.But one day i also surf the net for a while and play GOSTOP for a while, go and stop when i open my laptop and saw what unknown liquid on it...
junsu oppa: laptop always close it, really people did it...
yunho oppa: then it is a plan that the cuprit did this ya...can see it that that then you also cannot download GOSTOP on my computer ahh...
changmin oppa: listen to me first, so that was i said there goes my laptop.Then i want to find the culprit all say is not i did de. manager and members altogether 10 people and asked they say is not me
junsu oppa: interrogate
changmin oppa: correct
junsu oppa: i never did this really i didnt do it because i have two computers what for i touched changmin's computer...
changmin oppa: who spilt the beverage on my laptop!!!(angry le)
junsu oppa: since it was a sad thing, i think is manager did it hahas(dont know manager will angry ma??)
DJ: lastly dont know who is the culprit...
end of their conversation i mean not end of the show wor~
until now i also dont know who did this made my changmin oppa so angry...hope you all can understand my translation i took the whole day to translate it...