Tuesday, January 06, 2009
New Updates...hello readers...hahas no la chingu...thks for all the concerns...now my injury...err...can say better la yesterday school reopen i was like walking to school like a lame everyone asking me ahh what happened to me and u cut your hair!!!i was repeated many times to reply back their questions...and everyone told me to go home!!!i dont want go home la go home nothing to do only watch tv surf internet no mood to study...so...CANNOT dont go to school!!! going to poly is my latest goal!!!<--xia hen da de jue xin...^^so i must self revise also study for my future test...do you think i can do it??i also dont know la..... ok back to topic so i applied leave and and never attend Networking lesson to go see doctor...
so i went to Orchard to look for mum to give me money to see doctor...see i drag for so long just no money to see doctor!!!???so i went AMK polyclinic. Reached there alot of people and realised that many babies also sick...from 2.22pm waiting like one hour just waiting to get register...omg...then waiting like half and hour just to see doctor...den wait for a few minutes to get my medicine...the clinic was get ready to close le...before get my medicine i go to another room to wash my wound and wrap it with bandage ...the nurse wrapped my wound on my whole right thigh like rice dumpling...

MC for 3 days,2 weeks cant go PE...ohh one thing i want to post is that time i went Orchard i saw a guy stopped me and said what can give him one minute?? he told me that i what cute and active and can be a model asked me want to be model or not freelance de...too bad i reject him and waste his 1 minute time hahas...i told my mum she said why dont u give it a try?? i said i dont want to be famous la hehe...ok thats all for my updates^^