Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers' DayMothers' Day this year fall at today 20090510...what do you give to your mum?? me, very simple used my own earn pay bought ice-cream cake for my cake leh to me is a very expensive gift for my mum 1kg for 58 plus 30% staff discount^^ but is worth it...we celebrated on last thursday, due to my busy schedules for school and part-time job...
orh...i havent tell you all that i have been work as Andersen's waitress for past one month le...hope i can work very long as this is my second time work F&B line.
for more information please go to :
only know that all ice-cream dont have ingredients of eggs so is not fattening^^
ok back to cake...
<--within 45 mins will melt...flavor: Mocha Almond Fudge and Mint Chip,dont know is my handphone's camera problem or what is abit blur...
we share this between my mum,auntie,2nd aunt,brother,him and me^^but this year i think my mum is not happy because of him destroy the my mum 把全部的气发泄在我身上... <--拿我当出气桶啊...
nevermind...while i saw this pic,it will make my mind ease...
<--cute mah??this is yesterday i collected all dishes and found this smiley face^^
Yan lan said me:u really took this pic ar,crazy...
hehe this is my pattern like to take "rare" pics xDD
hope in my future my work will be successfully...hopefully...
P.S:ice-cream cake already ate finish within 2 days night^^
听妈妈的话 别让她受伤 ,想快快长大 才能保护她 ...