Sunday, April 20, 2008

こんばんわ。。。finally i watched finished 有閑俱楽部(Yukan Club) and 佐々木夫妻の仁義なき戦い However i haven't finish watching Rainbow Romance,エヂソンの母 and だいすき!!because haven't upload finish with English subs...(=.=)Rainbow Romance is uploaded finished later probably continue watching and maybe will watch ごくせん 1&2...series 3 is filming now in Japan('',)
I have not blogging for a few days because i had started school recently so everytime i come back from school, swith on computer and continue to watch dramas online and also check mails...there is no time for me blogging...yesterday i was late for Evening Gongyo because i took bus i should have take Mrt instead of bus 13...when i reached there they started to chant Daimoku(=.=)after that we ate dinner with my お母さん,my brother and my 友達,Fiona ate Yong Tau Fu then we attended the ceremony of Hiragan-e it is sort of japanese culture of 清明节 we recited the whole Gongyo book slowly and we done one time of shoko because we applied toba for my grandma who passed away since i was Primary 6... we applied every year without fail. My お母さん still misses my grandma she always kept asking wonder where is her mother gone to she will talk to us about our grandma's story not that "grandma story" is the happenings between grandma and mother. I feel sad when i heard it...
beside the registration counter of Kaimyoin, there are two big photos are 68th High Priest Nichinyo Shonin and with our chief priest,Rev Takikawa,Rev Kato & Rev Miyazawa and other priests or reverends and another photo is with all the ICs i feel so honoured that high priest from Japan head temple, Taisekiji to come to Singapore also i saw on the notice board there is a newspaper articles from Japan post on it that with the pictures are from Expo Hall that our performances The Spirit Of Hokkeko i am wonder whether those pictures will it posts in our monthly Kaimyo magazines for next month Oko ceremony.
tomorrow i have to collect my item SUJU T water bottle at AMK mrt station at 12.30pm from Gina...yeah(*^.^*)v
k la i stop here i go watch rainbow romance ep 77