Friday, April 11, 2008

おはよ~i have just watched finished 1リットルの涙 特別篇‧追憶(Ichi Rittoru No Namida Special)
i have cried a lot...i never watched before this special i finished watched this drama last year or around year 2006 at SCV and if im not wrong it never showed the special... so i dont know until now. I also visited quite a lot of websites of this true story. In this drama,the main actress is Aya Ikeuchi but the name of this true story is Aya Kito(木藤亜也) she is also have this disease when she is 14 or 15 yrs old she never give up and keep on writing diaries daily of what is her feeling and hows the disease came to her and pubished at Japan alone. She passed away when she is 21 or 22 yrs old. Im very proud of her not giving up her lives, and try to convey messages to every one いっきでね?、ずうといっきて(live on, okay? live on forever) i matter how many problems or hardships that you have gone through...please smile everyday and continue living おねがいします... i will suggest you watch this drama or film or even read the true author's diary you will understand what is Aya Kito san's feelings and is so touching when u read and cried(T-T)
I have posted all the pics related to this drama^^I have watched finished Rainbow Romance epi 60...still very slow ar...i will continue to watch until finish but will take a long time to watch finish this('',)