Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hello...just back from work around 2 hours?? ok la today not so tired not like yesterday do alot of washing then have to stand dere around 7 hours!!!today nothing just serve customer realised that a lot people that i met are speak cantonese ok la can understand a bit luckily watch some hong kong shows and try learn their language.Today so slack there released us so early lo...9 plus!!! cos last week most of them had done e cmos test so we can go home...but we not going home we went TM together and went Long John Silver ate breakfast...i neva eat cos it was really very full dont know why probably drink protein...and matta alot of people said i emo again...haiz...dont feel lyk talking say i emo....dotsx then today at first very sleepy until i laugh lyk 起笑 then awake you know why??cos kang te so 可怜咯被四个??还是三个nu 人虐待咯一直被捏手臂或是胸肌那里 可是它又是很无辜被捏不然就是得罪人或说错话不然就是好像被威胁。
signing off~(*^.^*)v