Saturday, April 26, 2008

Annyeong chingu...long time never blog le...quite busy a few days im so tired that when i reached home i neva touch my computer recently always go to my bed then fall asleep...(=.=)Zzz
Last Sunday...i was going to AMK Mrt station to meet Gina to collect my SuJu water bottle around 1.30pm she was late for a few minutes...wearing my slipper go there.When i collected i decided to walk home because it near my house take around 30 mins?(if you walk very fast) so i was listening to TVXQ's songs in my phone mp3 and singing while walking back i walked slipper spoilt!!!I said what the... omg it finally 归西le... but under the hot sun dragging my one of my feet walked back i fed up hack one feet is with the slipper another barefooted(=.=)everyone was looking at my barefooted crossing the road and halfway dragged my feet...i felt so paiseh lo...i even hopped back on my way back home!!!thats was too tiring...this is my second time?maybe cos i rmb last time was wearing not a slipper is lyk go out wear shoes to East Coast park rode bicycle with my classmates and the weather was so bad that it rained heavily then no hand to hold umbrella and difficult to rode bicycle the e shoe spoilt...i used a rubber band to tied with my feet and the shoe together and went back home...
Back to study...ok la i can catch up especially the multimedia lesson...hehee=pp however i always will sort of "fall asleep" at networking lesson CMOS pratical and theory lessons... dont know why...listen halfway feel like sleeping probably boring ba...hahas^^
these few days after lessons Jonathan,Joyce unnie,Eslynn,Novem and Alan will go break and eat together Alan only just joined us maybe??we had alot of fun laughing until like mad...then after school we went TM and CS(if u know where is the place, around Tampines...)I neva had so much joy and fun since i left secondary school...i feel fortunate to have tomodachi to give me so much joy domo arigato('',)
i also have stopped watching jap dramas or korean dramas like Rainbow Romance still stop at episode 84 and Edison No Haha episode 6 and Daisuki!! episode 8 then somemore got alot of jap dramas i want to watch!!!but no time to watch...(=.=)gokusen 3 is out and yet im stilll stop at series 1!!pathetic sia...
ok la write so long tmr den continue ba...