Monday, May 26, 2008


its been a week...there are many happens around me or us.First 四川大地震 a lot people died and injured...lost families and homes...i want to donate but 有心无力 only can help them to pray hard that they can overcome all the sufferings. A lot of things cant remember much that happens recently...yesterday i attended Student Activity ok la quite fun is about relationship and divided into groups i was in BGR group which is i have no experience of that the other groups are family,friends i think thats all?? and "draged"my brother along so we were late for Daimoku...(=.=) then supposed i have to meet wanjun at 3pm to accompany her to see Gary 曹格 cos got 签票会 at IMM level 3 Garden Plaza then give her many excuses that i dont feel like going then is very bad to her also so i felt 心里不安 then called her back that ok lo i go lo is not forcing myself went there is my brother wanted to use com thats why i at home so sian...went there i thought we were late luckily Gary not arrived yet quite alot people then he arrived at around 6.15pm den sang 3 7 21 then sang 单数 then talked to mc 丽仪 Fm933 DJ then he walked down the stage into the crowds!!! alot take pictures or videos him lo and sang 起床歌 as well then is now start signing his concert ticket cos his concert is at 12 july 2008 Singapore Indoor Stadium first time shake hands with him in the crowds and 2nd time shake hands with him during autograph session he signed his lyrics.Lastly he 清唱 Superwoman chorus part. Back home msn chat until 2am??cant remember chat with 2 want woo me another dont know...dont know i like who and dont know how to vexed...think this through the whole night and including today...
Thats why today a bit emo cos still thinking and dont feel like to talk でも我差一点就变成罪人了 actually is just misunderstood hope they dont mind but i scared they mind 有一种的不安让我想太多又胡思乱想 因为受到阴隐 不敢交太多朋友或是一个group 的 就是怕会引起误会还有很多问题会发生。其实我也不知该怎么说。。。
Thats why today a bit emo cos still thinking and dont feel like to talk でも我差一点就变成罪人了 actually is just misunderstood hope they dont mind but i scared they mind 有一种的不安让我想太多又胡思乱想 因为受到阴隐 不敢交太多朋友或是一个group 的 就是怕会引起误会还有很多问题会发生。其实我也不知该怎么说。。。
终于有工钱可以拿了。。。不过还是要省一点用 也找到一份工作明天要去training 好紧张哦
好几天前。。。我去公司那儿拿我的工资顺便去喝甜品。。。杏仁糊!!超爱的 依旧那么多人去喝甜品。每一次去那里那工钱后就会去喝杏仁糊一碗卖$2.50 蛮贵得不过很好喝比其他的店卖得好喝
Today is Nurul birthday happy Birthday^^she gave me n classmates cupcakes so sweet of her but no present to give her so i took photo with her hehe^^
just realised that today weather is so good^^
signing off~^^