Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hello...this 3 days never blog...on sunday attended kosenrufu chanting session.There were alot of people even sat from level 2,3 and level 1 the reception counter there.And it is so squeezy that alot of urshers told us to move forward...most people followed their instructions...however i met a little boy around age of 9 or 10 yrs kept grudging or complaining that no space how to move forward and squeezy. I know that we came here for practicing,we must have without any grudge or complains...after we chanted for around one hour daimoku is reverand Takikawa's guidance. I couldnt listened because i had worked at 12 noon...so i left early...
On Monday...i was late for school because that night i was helping my mum to put songs in mp3 as to give my grandfather's birthday present...as putting songs inside the mp3, i was watching Hong Kong drama...Heart Of Greed(溏心风暴) i heard alot of people say this show nice including Gerald said so...and got alot of shows i want to watch and nice somemore but i dont have any free time...(=.=) now i watch until episode 5 altogether got 40 episodes...sypnosis...
It is a story of a renowned sea-products retailer and a big traditional family, in which there are those who manage to endure to the end, those who consider themselves superior to everyone else, those who love and respect their brothers, those who seek every opportunity to fulfill their ambition, those who stay loyal to their beloved, and those who remain grateful for whatever they get
as i copy and paste the sypnosis i found one thing Forensic Heroes 2(法证先锋2)is out...and aired at Hong kong episode 11 now!!! cant wait the drama hahas...total 30 episodes...if u watch part 1 it is so nice to watch lo...
Today late for school again this time quite late reached school around 9am even latest than Jonathan...lols...then ate lunch with Amily they all including Eslynn and Shirong...then we went student hub there spent time as for waiting for Lifeskill lesson and is raining...after that i went Chinatown to collect my pay then went to eat 杏仁糊 again hahas...依旧还是那么多人 supposed to meet wanjun at AMK but i was too tired so i meet her tomorrow since i tomorrow off thursday start work...ok la i go continue my show le...hehee=pp
signing off~(^.^)v