Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Happy Birthday to Micky Park Yuchun!!! alot of pics...hehee=pp
Today...lessons ended very fast...time flies fast...很快的就要一个礼拜了。。。i again again agian late...(=.=)nowadays wake up so late cant help it...yesterday night again again and again stayed up so late until 2am...hehee=pp watching show nice lo cant stop watching...nowadays the school lessons so slack even the teachers...haiz...nothing say much a few people around me no mood to study...and jonathan i dont want care about u le care also no to pon lessons attendance 是差到不行了我不会再管他也不理他!!nowadays like to draw and do sudoku when there is nothing to do nothing to chat about other then 在那里发呆,会胡思乱想 不然人家说在那里一个人 emo...不然就睡觉来打发时间 人生或生活到底是不是这样过?眼看着时间不断流失的过,白白浪费那些宝贵的时刻 为何不做一些有意义的事情来做?让自己的人生过得充实些?到底人的思想在想什么??难道没有一点人生的目标吗?老实说我暂时没有人生目标 只是想过一天算一天。。。问题没解决怎能回去想你的将来?或许有很多人不同意我的说法吧 还是根本不知道我在讲什么。。。真的是难以表达我的心思在想什么。。。nothing to blog le la...go continue my show liao...
signing off~难以表达现在的心情。。。
signing off~难以表达现在的心情。。。