Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today nothing much...realised that my pocket money going to use up le how my mum havent return me back the money cant find a job somemore haiz...i think this time cannot work cause now the school lessons make me going to feel stress but i have to learn how to destress myself...Today PE lesson played badminton and its fun, teacher designed playing game rules make our game more interesting and fun but this way make me feel that everything we do need teamwork cause we have to hit the shuttlecock one time and cannot let it drop and we only can hit one time and take turn to hit teacher also playing with watch finish Fathers and Sons broadcasted at 8pm the ending is nice but i learn something from there Family is priceless this show is very touching by the way is Hong Kong drama series u should go watch only 25 episodes^^
Happy Green Clover thought hard on 11:39 PM.