Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Memorable Picnic Day??supposed to meet them at 1.30pm bedok bus stop but due to my mum's errand, i told them i will late i was so late and not sure how to go East Coast Park so i asked Meng Guan how to go almost lost my way and also asked the passerbys...reached there...they said...ni she de lai la(finally u came but in informal language) i was paiseh to let them wait for me so long ended up they already ate finish and im the last one to eat and asked me to eat all finish!!!i dont have a huge stomach...
so we decided to cycle back, it started to rain so hurry to find shelter but cant find so zhaocheng lead us dont know what short cut road <---still blame him...passed by the construction site as we passed by, the strong wind blew down the metal board that is like enclosure to prevent anyone to go near it but it knocked down on us 3 girls were injured seriously injured was Audrey...we went to the shelter waited for that stupid boss here the workers told us dont go away...i never looked at the watch i think it was like around 5.30pm ba...the rained never stopped but we were drenched and the wind kept blowing made me felt so cold so i took out the jacket but still very cold and before coming here i already headache but i dont feel any because im too happy le...but after i drenched my head more pain le...huisheng said go out buy hot drinks for us took so long then come back then i realised he dont have so much money to buy alot of hot drinks for us only bought 2 cups thks ar(appreciated)so i rest for a while when i woke up my head still pain but i looked at the sky is like already 7 something pm and they woke me up said we went return bikes and the driver drove us to hospital...
on the way to hospital...we sat on the lorry,i forgot to bring my rubberband so my hair was like mad woman so messy...huisheng said when we reached we will see a mad woman(siao zhar bo)from IT1A then Amily said there got one le<---pointing at me...then zhaocheng looked in front of the lorry saw indians and said now we are like bangla....and i can see the lorry inside was bangla then we said how u know is bangla he replied because i only can see his white teeth can see the features we all laughed but racist(we are not just joking)we reached le then we waited for the 3 girls outside A & E Audrey had a fever and the others went see doctor and heard that Audrey had an injection...zhaocheng asked me Are you ok??why dont go see doctor so i thinking that can i just took temperature??then that lady almost scold me then he helped me explained thks ar....so i rest again suddenly i felt want to vomit so i faster went to the toilet lucky made it on time then sookyen came in said are you ok?? i was like very xing ku said ok...she kept asking me including them why dont see doctor but i dont know how to answer and they said me im stubborn...nevermind as they were calling for cab i vomitted again at the carpark this time i vomitted alot sommore in front of them so disgusting me and so paiseh let them see me vomit..so i was cab home with sookyen and liantai. Due to im not feeling well they let me go home first and sookyen sent me home outside thks ar^^
overall is really a memorable experienced day...