Thursday, January 22, 2009
Quiz...- People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.- At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.- No tag back.
2)this year - 19岁
3)Loves - TVXQ and many more korean singers or bands
4)think too much...very dramatic...
5)love to day-own world
6)懒 and forgetful,blur...
7)can be very quiet...
8)can be very mad until people say me NINA~!!!!
9)love singing a lot...especially when it is chatting topic that can link it and sing xD
10) when alone at home will talk to my ah bear(birthday bear soft toy)<--搞自闭/emo??
So, 10 people to pass this on to:<--can choose dont do it...wont force you...
8-QQ unnie
9-Yuri unnie
1.Are you single - of course!!
2.Are you happy - Yes^^
3.Are you bored - sometimes lo
4.Are you fair -No i wish to be...
5.Are you Italian - hello im Singaporean^^
6.Are you intelligent - i'm not
7.Are you honest - yes,my mum say cannot tell lies<--wow so obedient ar??
8.Are you nice - yes dare not provoked anyone
9.Are you Irish -No
10.Are you Asian - yes
1)Full Name - Nina Chang Jingyi 莊静仪(as in NRIC)
2)Nicknames -裝金鱼(when im young classmates called me),莊小姐(my mum called me de),Nana(angeline,janice and jonathan called me)
3)Birth place - Singapore^^
4)Hair color - black (if sunshine shone on it,is chestnut brown and i never dyed hair)
5)Natural hair style - curl??
6)Eye colour - black.
7)Birthday - 13th January 1990
8)Mood - 乐观,开朗
9)Favorite color - Blue,Green,White,Red<--TVXQ cassiopeia!!!
10)One place you'd like love to visit - Korea!!!
-Have you ever been in love - 到目前沒有...
-Do you believe in love at first sight - maybe all dramas are like that<--watch too much le -Do you currently have a crush? - of course my idol la,심창민오빠~
-Have you ever been hurt emotionally - yes my primary school classmates
-Have you ever broken someone's heart - ya my mum because she see my results...haiz...
-Have you ever had your heart broken - yes when my dearest grandma...
-Have you ever liked someone but never told them - maybe??
-Are you afraid of commitment - maybe??<--搞不清楚状况??
-Who was the last person you hugged - i never hug anyone only people hug me,my mum...
-Who was the last person you said I love you to? my mum~
1-Love or lust - what do u mean??
2-Hard liquor or beer - beer??drink 1 time only next time dont drink, bad for ur health...
3-Cats or dogs - d0gs especially small white color de
4-A few best friends or any regular friends - a few best friends.
5-Creamy or Crunchy - dont know...u mean dark chocolates??
6-Pencil or Pen - pencil ba so that can erase...
7-Wild night out or romantic night in - romantic night in
8-Money or Happiness - can i choose both??
9-Night or day - u mean outing of cos both la...
10-IM or phone - phone.
1-Been caught sneaking out -yes when im small went to neighbour house,in the end locked outside...
2-Seen a polar bear - is zoo counted??
3-Done something you regret - yea...
4-Bungee jumped - what is it??
5-Eaten food that fell on the floor - got rice...cannot waste food somemore my house floor so clean<--每天都在打扫...
6-Finished an entire jaw breaker- dont know
7-Been caught naked - when im small/baby??
8-Wanted an ex bf/gf back - dont have boyfriend before....
9-Wanted to disappear - no cant bear to leave my everything...
1-Smile or eyes - smile
2-Light or dark hair - dark
3-Hugs or kisses - hugs maybe??
4-Shorter or taller - taller than me
5-Intelligence or attraction - dont know...
6-Topman or Zara - what is it??
7-Funny or serious - both.. ??
8-Older or Younger - Older ba...i dont know la....
9-Outgoing or quiet - both ba...
10-Sweet or Bad -of course sweet.
1)Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yes primary school singing competition,choir,joined chinese/english dramas...
2)Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - ya marathon chatting xD<--bill expensive... 3)Ever tried walking on your hands - no
4)Ever been to a rock concert - no
5)Ever been on a cheerleading team - my secondary house cheers??
6)Ever been on a dance team - no
7)Ever been on a sports team - no
8)Ever been in a drama play/production - no
9)Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - NO..
10)Ever been in a rap video? - no..
Last phone call you made - Jiamin
Last person you hugged - mum<--isnt ask before?? Last person you hung out with - Wanjun laogong Last time you worked - traffic counting for christmas light-up and countdown yeat 2009?? Last person you talked to -my classmates?? Last person you IM'd - huh?? Last person you texted -Wanjun laogong Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Jiamin and Jiawei...
Last person/thing you missed - my idols??
Last website visited - Youtube
This is my first time do blog quiz xDD