Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy Deepavali :)Do you think my blogskin is different?? becos i accidentally deleted picture and saved the layout haiz...i think its time to change skin but donno put what skin...nevermind today is public holiday so no school and never go out.stayed at home so comfortable and no one snatch with me the computer hahas...lols...i watched finished Invincible Shan Bao Mei and back stage of The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries damn funny la i left out one more song intro is KARA de Rock You...when you are alone at home and like you are doing household chores while listening this song will make you feel happy wor^^Rock u body i say...shake it ...!! (please pause my songs on the right^^)
Next just now browsed QQ unnie's blog she shared about a game can say its sekai no nabeantsu invented ba but this game is like abit stupid la by saying 3 timetable and do a funny action me going to share something about a game but its quite long time ago and i want to play if many people want to play its called onigokko(ghost) its something like catching hide and seek the ghosts have to within time limit to catch the players the players can run around within the boundary but cannot let the "ghosts" touch you and played by Johnny Entertainment de YahX3(this time japanese sharing ar) its sound exciting ar...let's enjoy the videos ba^^
Onigokko Sport Style Eng sub pt 1
Onigokko Sport Style Eng sub pt 2
Onigokko Sport Style Eng sub pt 3
Next also the same game^^
Survival Onigikko eng sub pt 1
Survival Onigokko eng sub pt 2
Survival Onigokko eng sub pt 3
Next is this game is called catch the mouse is korean game also exciting to me its play with ur reaction fast or not
TVXQ play catching mouse game
its so funny that changmin hit jaejoong's head so hard and he hit yunho's head so soft.jaejoong's face is like what can u hit him so soft!!!u good u are not my hyung anymore...(his mind thinking)This game starting is by asking how many mouse want to catch so like catch how many(everyone ask)then the first person say how many like 3 mouses the next people can either say catch or miss if one of the person say catch the 3rd time next person and everyone have to say success then the next person have to continue to say how many if the person do it wrongly the person by the 2 sides have to hit the person who do it wrong... i think end of my sharing ba...hope i can play these games hehee=pp(^.^)v
Signing Off~enjoy^^