Monday, February 16, 2009
15 days of Lunar CNY...As we want to go 1st aunt 拜年 realised that ah ma, my father side that day midnight fall down and was admitted to Tan Tock Seng we visited her she fall on back of her head...after that we continue our 拜年 after that we went Batam,Indonesia there to 拜年 again after that 初三 morning we went back to Singapore...before that we rode on our 2 cousins' motors to Batam Center...and my one of my cousins said me im fat and that time i can sit 3 person including me to sit 1 motor now cannot le he complained to his mum"哎呀, 坐不下,静仪太大只了!"so i took another motor...
on the way back home took bus 72 of the sky...
we went Malaysia with my mum for CNY Amway celebration this is 财神爷 beside is MC we played games after buffet for dinner...